angel biscuits

I made these Angel biscuits (and I do use the term biscuits loosely because they aren’t as dense and ‘crumbly’ as the typical southern-style biscuit) during the holidays (before starting my Keto diet) but just now getting the opportunity to share them with you. This post may contain affiliate links.Read More →

waffles from cinnamon rolls

Looking for quick, easy, and delicious breakfast ideas? What about Cinnamon Roll Waffles? Did you know that National Waffle week is the first full week of September? This post may contain affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a qualifying purchase, I may receive a commission. ThankRead More →

target gift card giveaway

This new school year is underway for most of the nation, with the remainder starting back over the next week. So, many of us may still be back to school shopping. I know a Target gift card would be really useful right now. One of my favorite places to shopRead More →

macaroni salad

Looking for things to do with corn on the cob? Or frozen corn? Toasted Corn I love toasted corn. It’s a delicious way to eat corn and gives corn something extra. Not sure about where you live, but here, corn on the cob is super cheap at the grocery store.Read More →

Easy beauty tips to look younger

I received compensation for this post, but all opinions are 100% my own and may differ from yours. I will only endorse companies, products, and services that I believe, based on my own experiences, are worthy of endorsement. Ladies, aging isn’t a bad thing. We are just as beautiful nowRead More →