This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks and Crest. All opinions are 100% my own and may differ from yours. I will only endorse companies, products and services that I believe, based on my own experiences.
Do you experience tooth sensitivity? I do, and it’s a big aggravation. I love ice cream and tooth sensitivity is not good for ice cream eating. Or chewing on ice, which I enjoy. Or used to, anyway.
Thank goodness Crest has come out with Crest Sensi-Stop Strips. The pain from a sensitive tooth can be excruciating. It’s like a sharp shooting pain that reminds me to not chew anything cold on the right side of my mouth. Ugh. I’ve been using a sensitivity toothpaste but it really hasn’t been helping.
I recently tried Crest Sensi-Stop Strips. They are extremely easy to use. You apply the strips where you are experiencing sensitivity, with the strip covering 50% on the gums and 50% on the tooth, let it sit for 10 minutes, remove, and then do not eat or drink anything or brush your teeth for 30 minutes.
I wanted to test it out, so after my 30 minutes were up, I swished with cold water… yeah, I know, I was taking a big risk, because swishing cold water would be painful if I still had a sensitive tooth. Whew. What a difference!
They say that it should last for a month, so I’m excited to see how it works. I will post an update next month.
If you or someone you know suffers from tooth sensitivity, you can find Crest Sensi-Stop Strips at Walmart.
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For more information about Crest Sensi-Stop Strips:
Thanks to Walmart I have a $25 Walmart gift card to give away so one lucky reader can try the Sensi-Stop Strips for yourself! Open to U.S. residents ONLY, 18+. Giveaway ends 9/30/14 at 11:59 pm. EST. Enter on the Rafflecopter form below. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I have tooth sensitivity. I try not to let it stop me from eating what I want, but I usually stay away from cold foods like ice cream.
i have tooth sensitivity and need to have what i eat and drink at least room temperature or warmer to not feel my teeth
Ice cream causes me sensitivity sometimes.
I do and I miss getting to eat Ice-cream
I don’t have sensitivity but sometimes my husband does. He misses ice cream when it is occurring.
Hot hot foods cause sensitivity to my teeth sometimes.
I suffer from tooth sensitivity, I miss eating ice cream & drinking cold drinks with ice them!
my hubby does, I have told him to go to the dentist ,just maybe they can help but he won’t go…
I get tooth sensitivity from ice cream but I still eat it 🙂
My dad suffers from tooth sensitivity and can’t eat ice cream because of it.
Cold foods like ice cream really make my teeth sensitive. Also too hot of liquids bother my teeth.
I usually only have sensitivity when I eat popsicles or ice cream.
I got sensitive teeth from ice cream sometimes.
About time they do one for sensitive teeth..I’m going to check it out.
My boyfriend and I both do, it’s hard to eat or drink anything cold, I miss ice cream!
Yes, I do, but I still eat most ev’rything & just deal with it….
I dont know anyone who has food sensitivities. I love crest white strips been doing them for years! thanks for the review and giveaway!!
I dont know anyone who has food sensitivities. I love crest white strips been doing them for years, It is good to know they are having new stuff come out! I think if i did have sensitives I would miss coffee the most! thanks for the review and giveaway!!
Both me and my fiancé have it and of a horrible for me since mine may have been caused by celiac disease. He says it hurts his teeth when he eats certain things.
I do not know of anyone with it but I had it once and it hurt to eat anything realy cold or hot so I would miss being able to eat Ice cream
Thanks for the giveaway
I miss ice cream and drinking really hot drinks
My son suffers from sensitive teeth, our dentist told him use sensodyne it does help but it is expensive bu tit is the best at helping ease the pain thanks
I sometimes have sensitivity to heat.
I do…anything cold is what I miss!
Due to tooth sensitivity, I avoid cold/hot and sweet
I have teeth sensitivity when I eat Popsicles, but I still eat them. Lol
I do & miss eating ice cream & Popsicles
Yes I do n this would be nice to try n hopefully eat frozen ice cream again n not melted n umm lets say cold milk n Oreos oh gee its been yrs
I do occasionally, mostly when I eat or drink something really cold
My son has just started experiencing this when he is drinking his iced coffee…not a happy man!!
my husband does and I know cold drinks are senstive for him
I have sensitive teeth so I can never bite into ice cream bars or anything really cold like that.
My teeth are not sensitive, but I know someone who can’t drink hot coffee or tea because of this.
I have tooth sensitivity. That means warm not hot meals and good bye cold items
I do with very cold food.
my daughter has severe dry mouth
which causes cold sensativity
ice cream or even biting into something hard like an apple is difficult
I suffer from tooth sensitivity so much so that I’ve stopped putting ice in my drinks.
sometimes i do
cold drinks is what bothers me
The only thing that gives my teeth a “shock” is ice cream. More so if it’s on a stick, like a popsicle that you have to bite into.
I ave sensitive teeth and drinking anything cold hurts.
My teeth are a little sensitive to cold stuff like ice cream, but I still eat it.
Once in awhile I have some sensitivity, but thankfully it is not all the time.
I have tooth sensitivity. Usually ice cream causes sensitivity in my teeth
I do, cold water I miss the most 🙁
I suffer from a little bit of sensitivity, ice cream bothers me the most.
I have tooth sensitivity and I so miss eating ice cream, eating cold fruits , milk is another thing I have to be very careful about
i suffer from tooth sensitivity. have to have coatings on my teeth. ice cream and cold foods. use sensitive toothpaste.
I have a bit of it. Chilled fruit gets me.
I had tooth sensitivity for awhile. It still happens every so often with really cold drinks.
Very cold items like ices or ice water tend to give me sensitive teeth.
I use Proenamel and do not have much tooth sensitivity since using it. I would really miss eating Ice cream and drinking cold lemonade If I had to much of a problem.
I suffer from tooth sensitivity and don’t eat ice cream as much as I like to.
I have had it before and when anything real hot of cold hits it, you know it. In my case, it is not all the time and I do make sure to brush, floss and rinse regularly.
I have sensitive teeth. Sometimes real cold things like ice cream will cause it to hurt.
My son has terrible sensitivity and he hates that it’s hard for him to eat ice cream and I don’t blame him. Ice cream is fantastic. I have some sensitivity, but sometimes eat ice cream anyway.
I have recently started with sensitive teeth. Every time I eat hot or cold food I feel pain.
I miss drinking cold lemonade.
I Have Tooth Sensitivity And Miss Eating Ice Cream.
i have sensitive teeth and i still eat ice cream but it sometimes bothers my teeth.
I have tooth sensitivity to cold stuff like ice cream and popsicles but I still eat them.
I suffer from tooth sensitivity when I eat sweets. ):
I have tooth sensitivity. Really cold bothers me.
I have tooth sensitivity and I miss eating ice cream:(
My teeth are sensitive to cold things.
I miss ice cream. I loved it with toppings.
I don’t know anyone with it.
I have a tooth sensitivity.
Ice cream causes me sensitivity 🙁
I have very sensitive teeth. I can’t eat citrus fruits because they make my teeth feel like every nerve is exposed.
My teeth are kind of sensitive to hot liquids and I miss drinking my morning tea as hot as I would like it.
Since getting my braces off a couple years ago, a couple teeth are super sensitive to cold. It has gotten better using prescription toothpaste.
I used to have sensitive teeth and I cannot eat ice cream or drink really cold beverages
I suffer from tooth sensitivity the most and i miss drinking any ice cold drinks. Sometimes i just get so hot and thirsty anyways and take a big sip but then i regret it right after as the pain sets in.
All of my sibling suffer from tooth sensitivity with cold foods and drinks, but it’s never bothered me.
I have tooth sensitivity to mostly cold foods and miss eating ice cream because of it. Thanks.
I have dreadful sensitivity and avoid anything too cold or warm because of it
I suffer from tooth sensitivity and I miss eating ice cream and sweets and drinking hot chocolate because of it.
yes I suffer from sensitive teeth….this product sounds wonderful…I can never drink anything cold
I have always had it on my front teeth, it makes drinking things difficult
I have sensitivity and I miss crunching on ice!
I have sensitivity in my front lower teeth – can’t let ice or anything cold touch them.
My wife has tooth sensitivity that’s bad when she drinks cold fluids.
I have extremely sensitive teeth…I long for the day that I can bite into an ice cream cone without it bringing tears! Hope this stuff works!!!
I miss ice in my drinks!
My husband has sensitivity when brushing but has not talked about it when eating or it keeping him from enjoying what he eats.
Ice cream, I really miss it.
I miss eating ice! Sometimes hot soup is hard to eat too!
french fries are often the culprits, which I think is kind of strange
i have it. all those years of brushing & brushing really do damage & getting too many cleaning do it also im sorry to say. should have had them all capped LOL
I miss eating ice cream and cold pie like Banana Creme ~Oooh
I do not have tooth sensitivity but know some with sensitivity
My husband has tooth sensitivity and he has to be careful when eating/drinking hot or cold things. Otherwise, he has a bit of pain as he does.
My boyfriend has sensitive teeth and he still tries to eat the foods that hurt.
ice cream
I have tooth sensitivity! I miss eating ice cold watermelon!
My teeth are sensitive. Cold thins do it. Ice cream is the worst.
I suffer from it, I have cavities too…I really need to go to the dentist.
I love really hot coffee…but my teeth are very sensitive in my molars so I have had to let my coffee cool way down before drinking it. I would LOVE to drink my coffee at the hot temperature that I like again! I would definitely like to try Crest Sensi Stop to see if it works well 🙂
I do….cold foods, mostly ice cream or drinking iced drinks without a straw.
My boyfriend has tooth sensitivity. He won’t drink beverages with ice.
I have sensitive teeth, and because of them, I can’t eat stuff with a ton of sugar routinely. Nutella is the worst offender so far, so I avoid it like the plague.
I have had some tooth sensitivity especially after using strips before.
I have a little bit of teeth sensitivity but only with certain popsicles and butterfingers. I would give like to try these strips and try to eat a butterfinger.
I have a broken tooth right now, and an upcoming appointment scheduled to get it pulled. But, in the meantime, my tooth is very sensitive, especially to hard foods such as nuts, and hot and cold foods. I am very careful about what I eat these days.
oooo – great find! I could use some of these.
I suffer from tooth sensitivity and miss eating ice cream.
My teeth are sensitive to cold. Ice cream is tough to eat.
I do have some sensitivity, but thankfully it doesn’t happen often. When it is going on, they hurt all the time, no matter what temperatures my food/drink are!
that is a problem my mom had tooth sensitivety
I actually have the teeth sensitivity myself. I have a hard time with cold stuff….especially ice cream 🙁 Would love to not have to worry about it anymore!
I do sometimes!
my daughter does sometimes
i have a sensitivity sometimes to hot and cold, but not very often
I occasionally have sensitivity in my teeth. I usually have to avoid cold foods, especially ice-cold beverages.
My daughter does, if I did I would definitely miss ice cream
My son has very sensitive teeth. He has a problem with cold liquids.
My teeth are sensitive to cold things. I really like to chew on ice and miss that
I have sensitive teeth and I miss ice cream!
I suffer from tooth sensitivity. I haven’t really stopped eating anything, but cold stuff and some sweets do bother me. I would love to try this new product.
I suffer from tooth sensitivity and certainly do miss a good old fashioned rootbeer float — especially in the summer time!
My husband suffers from cold sensitivity and misses iced tea!
My husband suffers a lot from it and it misses his ice cream!
I have teeth sensitivity to cold and suffer when I drink my iced tea!
I have sensitive teeth and I really just miss not having to think if something will bother my teeth…it makes eating out much less enjoyable!!
my husband has very sensitive teeth
I don’t hav semotive teach don’t no any one that has
It’s supose to be. I don’t have Sensitive teeth Some rims the spell checker goods up
I do but I don’t let it stop me from enjoying my food
I have a friend who suffers from pretty severe tooth sensitivity & she doesn’t eat or drink anything that’s very cold!
Yes my husband has sensitive teeth
My ex husband has sensitive teeth and misses eating lettuce and cold things
I do…especially from cold. I just bear with it though, especially if I’m eating ice cream!
Ice cream causes tooth sensitivity for me sometimes!
I do sometimes, especially when eating ice cream or drinking a cold beverage.
i do sometimes with eating certain items
I do, and I miss eating most anything with an extreme temp like ice, icecream, or hot soups without having to deal with the pain
i have sensitive teeth and it would be nice to eat ice cream without sharp piercing pain in my teeth
no I don’t suffers from tooth sensitivity .
cold watermelon and cantaloupe seem to be my worst culprits.
My oldest daughter has tooth sensitivity and she hate anything hard to put pressure on the tooth.
Knock on wood we don’t have any tooth sensitivity in the house.