Spending Time With Your Spirit – Five Tips for Relaxation

When it comes to relaxation, few things are better than getting in touch with your spiritual side. All of us are spiritual human beings but the majority of us never embrace that part of our inner being.

We spend most of our time here in “reality” and there is little doubt that is a contributing factor to our stress levels going through the roof.

Reality as it is known now is rather frustrating and filled with tension…. bills, money problems, family problems and conflict are all around us.

Learning to tap into our spirit can cleanse us of those things and allow us to take a mental break. That, in turn, will help us to relax and feel better physically as well. Here are some suggestions for tapping into that spirit side of our beings and finding relaxation:

tips for relaxation Prayer

Get to know your maker

While not everyone believes in God, most people understand that we came from somewhere and have a notion about that. If your beliefs are God based, there is a good chance you experience what I am referring to here as prayer or connection with God.

If not, then you can get in touch with your maker simply by allowing your mind to relax and contemplating the issue. When we think about where we came from, the answers will start to take shape. My advice is to follow your mind’s eye and keep an open mind.

tips on relaxation Look to the stars

Take in the stars

Another great way to tap into your spirit quickly is to observe the cosmos. Few things allow us to think about our soul automatically but the sky certainly does. The limitless universe is laid out before us and a blanket under the stars is the ultimate in relaxation.

tips on relaxation Meditation

Take up meditation

It sounds cliche but meditation is the ultimate relaxation method. It takes time and dedication to find that special spot in your mind, but anyone can do it. Make up your mind to master the techniques and you will find peace that is beyond all understanding in time.

Meditation is a wonderful way to turn off the stressors of your life.

tips on relaxation Volunteering

Volunteer with sick children

It seems as though this would be contradictory but nothing could be further from the truth. When you see the smiles on these children’s faces, you will quickly understand a peaceful spirit. Your heart will ache, but your spirit will soar.The bravery they show and courage they infuse you with will power you forward.

Best of all, you will be making a huge difference in their lives while you do it. Check with your hospital to find out about opportunities that are available.

tips on relaxation Write in a journal

Keep a daily journal of your thoughts

Many of us have trouble getting in touch with our spiritual side and relaxing simply because we have trouble recognizing it when it surfaces. If you are not used to getting into your own mind and resting, you will have some trouble at first.

It takes practice to sit in the spirit. Keeping a daily journal of your thoughts and feelings can go a very long ways towards helping you find your way. Our words are a gateway to our soul and exercising that part of ourselves is good for us.

Writing will give you a peaceful feeling and help you turn off the worries of the day. Eventually you will get to where you look forward to the journal writing. Just give it a shot.

These are only a handful of the ideas and tips for relaxation that can help you get in touch with your spirit. Give them a try and you will quickly notice you are having longer and longer periods of relaxation.


  1. I love meditation. I used to make fun of people who did it until I tried it for myself.

    1. I was skeptical of meditation until I tried it myself. Now I love to meditate.

    2. Author

      I think it takes practice. I was the same way and like Angela, love it now.

  2. I love this post Donna! We watched God’s Not Dead this weekend…twice! It was great to have the family (minus the hubs at work and daughter at homecoming dance)sit together and watch this movie and it sparked questions about our Faith and God. I loved it!

    I need to spend more alone time with my spirit. I mean, I listen to my Christian music all day and I pray in the morning but I feel I need meditation to hear the small voice. 🙂

    Thanks for this. It made my day even better! Have a great new week Donna :). Hope the family is doing well hun!

    1. Author

      Cori, I am so glad that this post helped to make your day better. This is the best compliment I’ll get all day, I’m sure! <3 I haven't seen God's Not Dead and can't wait to watch it soon! I hope you have an amazing week! And yes, things are wonderful with my family! 🙂

  3. These are some great tips for relaxing. I like to listen to New Age Ambient radio on Pandora and burn some Nag Champa incense to relax.

  4. These are all great tips and ones we often need to be reminded of as moms who seem to do it all and never relax.

  5. I have been taking up meditation, and it has changed my life! I think everyone needs to take a few minutes of their day to meditate – I mean it’s not hard work, and it benefits you in so many ways.

  6. These are definitely ways to center oneself. I’ve tried to meditate but I have the worst time clearing my mind!

  7. I liked this post. Its always a good idea to have more ways to help you relax….. Yoga and looking at the stars/cosmos is what works for me.

  8. These are all great for when I’m in a meditative mood and want to ponder on ideas…they make me think. I love the volunteering one especially, it’s true.

  9. What a inspirational post gets me back to were I use to be! Taking time out to reflect and pray is so helpful for me each day! Thank you for sharing!

  10. I love the get to know your maker tip. God is so important!

  11. I always enjoy taking a few moments to myself to relax and reboot. It is definitely cleansing for the mind, body and soul!

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