Great infographic. There are so many factors but you often wonder how right on these social media sites are with the fan following and such.
Interesting, yea I do not always look at followers, per say, I follow a lot of pages and twitter profiles that I rarely get to, my bad 🙂
Wondering if all of this has to do with the demographics of people who use twitter vs. those who use facebook…interesting nonetheless.
Great infographic. There are so many factors but you often wonder how right on these social media sites are with the fan following and such.
I’m not sure which is the better predictor, but this is going to be an interesting election.
This is a fun comparison to look at. I think it will be a close race.
It’s just so crazy to see how much social media plays into everything now!
Very cool!
I laugh at infographics. cant wait to see who was actually right.
Interesting, yea I do not always look at followers, per say, I follow a lot of pages and twitter profiles that I rarely get to, my bad 🙂
Interesting. I’m interested to see how this whole vote is going to pan out.
I don’t believe in politics, but interesting nonetheless. 😉
Wow, that is pretty interesting
Wondering if all of this has to do with the demographics of people who use twitter vs. those who use facebook…interesting nonetheless.
Hmmm, only time will tell if this will be the thing that really matters.
ughh! I’m not looking forward to all of this!
I’m not impressed with any of the Republican candidates yet.
Should be an interesting race.
Very interesting.