His Tunnel Hideout

Okay, not so Silent Sunday, but feel it needs a little description. 🙂 My b-i-l recently bought a home and is completely renovating it. So he just bought all new appliances and gave us all the boxes for Cody. Greg taped several of them together and made a very long "tunnel hideout". This picture really doesn't do it justice. It is approximately 15 feet long. Yes, almost half of my family room length is covered by a tunnel hideout. And, I wouldn't have it any other way.


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  1. It’s kid heaven to have tunnels like that. Too fun!

  2. @Lolo – He IS in box heaven. lol.

    He has a pillow, blanket, flashlight, and some Lego blocks in there now. 🙂

  3. How fun!

  4. How much fun is that?!!! My son would love this!

  5. Give them a $50 toy & they play with it for 10 minutes and toss it aside..Give them a box and they play for days! Kids always have fun with boxes. The bigger the box the better. =)

  6. Aww how fun! One of my favorite memories from childhood is when we were about to move across country & my older sister took all the empty boxes & filled the WHOLE ROOM with a "maze" of them. I was five so it was the coolest.thing.ever.

  7. That’s great. I don’t have the room to do that. I remember when my kids were younger, boxes were their favorite.

  8. That is one cool tunnel! My children LOVE playing with boxes. While we where in the process of moving and all their toys were packed up they played with the boxes. 🙂

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