Tips for a Great Start with Team Kellogg’s

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If my day starts off on the wrong foot, it sets the tone for the whole day for me. This is why I do everything I can to have a great start in the mornings. This starts the night before. I know all you moms out there know exactly what I’m talking about….

I get up between 5:30-6:00am during the week to get us ready for the school/work day. Some days getting my son out of bed is a Herculean task.

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First thing is breakfast, then getting dressed, teeth brushed, grab backpack (Tip: Get backpack ready the night before), and finally get into the car. I come back home for a little housework, and then I work until 2:30pm when I have to stop to go pick my son up from school. Then provide a snack, homework (help him if he needs it), dinner, run him to play rehearsal (or whatever extra-curricular activity he is into), sometimes another snack, shower, get ready for bed. Tons of other things sprinkled into my days, and I sure couldn’t do it without a great start to my day.

Great start for school

I am thrilled to be teaming up with Team Kellogg’s! I will be sharing with you tips from Team Kellogg’s over the next few weeks, and how these valuable tips, ideas, and pieces of advice help me stay on top of everything in my busy life, like some of my favorite things — from snacks to warmups and exercises.

So stay tuned for more helpful tips for a Great Start with Team Kellogg’s! I’m excited about this new year and starting each day off on the right foot.

Kellogg’s® believes that From Great Starts Come Great Things®. So we’re helping Moms start every day with a tip from the top athletes of Team Kellogg’s™ and Team USA dietitians. The thirty days leading up to the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games will each feature fun pieces of advice to help families fuel just like the athletes of Team Kellogg’s. To see all 30 tips, visit

What tips do you have for a great start?

Compensation was provided by Kellogg’s via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Kellogg’s.


  1. I love Kellogg. I have been eating the Special K crackers & snacks lately. They are wonderful, low fat & delicious.

  2. I’m like you in that I want to get as much ready the night before as I can. It makes everything go a bit more smoothly in the morning!

  3. I really struggle with breakfast at times but I’m working on making it a priority this year!

  4. Kelloggs is also a staple in our family. We love their cereals and bars.

  5. I suppose saying I drink a Dr Pepper would be bad, right?

    1. Author

      LOL! Maybe a wee bit. 😉 I use to love Dr. Pepper, but haven’t had one in over 15 years.

  6. It’s a great idea to start the night before to make sure the morning goes well! We’re the same way – mornings can be the most stressful and if they don’t go well, the rest of the day is shot! Looking forward to seeing your tips!

  7. I am trying this year to eat a better breakfast each day. We love raisin bran! Even my 4 year old loves it, and I prefer him to eat raisin bran over the other brightly colored sugary cereals!

  8. We have a set morning schedule every morning, to ensure that everyone gets up and does what they’re supposed to each day.

  9. I’m not a morning person at all so I definitely lay out as much as possible the night before and serve healthy cereal to my family most mornings.

  10. Coffee a big mug of coffee!! (LOL!) – I try and make sure everyone has a good breakfast in them, but some days I’m not too successful at that, and usually it’s me who didn’t eat it!

  11. I tell everyone I know to NEVER skip breakfast. It is the single most important tip I can offer anyone. It is the most important meal of the day. Choose healthy fruits, whole grains and proteins:)

  12. I used to always skip breakfast or grab something small while getting everyone else fed and ready in the morning. A few months ago I switched it up though and started making breakfast a priority and it has helped me lose weight by not needing to snack as much during the day.

  13. I love Kellogg’s and I love quick and easy breakfasts. I always to never skip the big meal of day with a huge cup of coffee to go along. 🙂

  14. I’m horrible about eating breakfast but now you have me craving cereal!

  15. When we have somewhere to be in the morning, prepping everything possible the night before is a huge help! Even down to putting all the pre-measured oatmeal or smoothie ingredients together in a bag or bowl to save the cutting, measuring, and chopping steps.

  16. I always hope to get started the night before but I so struggle with this! I need all the morning help that I can get. Looking forward to your suggestions.

  17. Kellogs tends to make healthier cereals than other brands. I might have to team up with Kellogs too. This year marks my son starting kindergarten. So I’ll be right there with you waking up early and tackling those early morning hours with you in about 8 months! 😉

  18. I’ve really been slacking on the healthy breakfast over the holidays. Thank you so much for the reminder!

  19. I strongly suggest adding protein to breakfast that usually helps me get started.

  20. Kellogg’s has always been a favorite. I do enjoy Speacial K and I do believe that breakfast is essential to have a great start!

  21. You cannot beat Kelloggs cereal with ice-cold milk – LOVE it! Have it as a snack at any time of the day!

  22. I’m always so stern about making sure my kids get a really good breakfast each and every day, and usually set things out the night before. But for the life of me, I can’t figure out why I don’t do that for myself? I like the idea of a calendar and planning things out! I think it’s a great idea!

  23. One great tip I have is, have a set bedtime routine for your kids, and never, ever let them stay up past that time. That helps them get enough sleep making it much easier to get them out of bed in the morning. We have raised three kids this way and have never had any problems in the am.

  24. Cereal is a must-have at our house for a quick start in the morning.

  25. Every morning I make myself drink a big glass of water before my coffee.

  26. Great tips! Breakfast is definitely important &sets the tone for the whole day.

  27. {Meant to say that getting the backpack ready the night before is a great tip! That’s what I get for trying to comment while my 4 year old talks to me. :P}

  28. You are right – starting your day off RIGHT makes the WHOLE day better! Kellogg’s helps make that happen here, too!

  29. I am so not a morning person… I really need to get better at planning the night before, it would make things so much easier!

  30. Breakfast is so important for a great start! I always make sure my kids get it but me not so much 🙁

  31. Breakfast and coffee…that’s how I start my day.

  32. We try and keep things quick and simple in the mornings especially during the week. Kelloggs has a lot of great products to help us out.

  33. Aye, I remember getting backpacks ready at night. I pretty much have the same morning routine you do. I try to get in breakfast but there are times I forget to eat. 🙂

    Can’t wait to read your tips! Happy New Year Donna! Have a great weekend!

  34. For me, a great start needs a great plan. Having my workout clothes ready, having my son’s school clothes ready, having small tasks ready to finish if I have some unexpected “free” time… a great plan keeps our house running!

  35. I am so excited about this campaign, and look forward to more great tips.

  36. I really struggle with breakfast every morning. I’m just so busy helping everyone else get ready that I forget about myself.

  37. I think the key with our family is making sure everyone puts their stuff in its proper place so school work can be found, which is usually their backpacks.

    We also like to get things ready to go the night before especially when we are heading out for the day.

  38. Always eat breakfast! Even if it is just a bar in the go.

  39. believe in yourself and you WILL do even better… thats a great start 🙂

  40. I love cereal, especially Kellogg’s. I have a very hard time eating right away. It’s generally several hours after moving around that I feel hungry.

  41. The best thing I do to prepare us for a great start is fix lunches the night before, make sure we have plenty of time each morning, and have my life juice (aka coffee) ready to go!

  42. great post love kellogs

  43. I love Kelloggs. They have great products, and I really think they are concerned with being healthy.

  44. My family loves Kellogg’s cereals. We seem to have a stockpile of them whenever they go on sale. We like it as a quick snack too.

  45. Kelloggs has always made staples in my family. I’m trying to ditch the soda, boo 🙁 Now that’s a herculean thing to do!

  46. I”m going to start having special K cereal in the mornings again. I used to skip breakfast altogether, and now its just a quick bagel. I think Special K with strawberries sounds so much better.

  47. Getting enough sleep for sure!!

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