This song is stuck in my head – Catch Me I’m Falling

I can not get this song out of my head. Nope. It just keeps going over and over in my head. Not to mention I keep singing it… driving my hubby and son crazy. I couldn't remember what the video was like for Catch Me (I'm Falling) by Pretty Poison, so if you'd like to go down the 80s memory lane with me, check it out:

Now if you have 'Catch Me I'm Falling' in your head, well, there could be worse songs to have in your head. What's the last song you couldn't get out of your head?


  1. My kids were kind enough to get the Octonauts song stuck in my head for hours!!!

  2. Jelly Man Kelly – James Taylor (it’s a rare children’s song that he did)

  3. This always happens to me and sometimes I get annoyed by myself lol.

  4. Unfortunately the songs stuck in my head these days are performed by muppets or cartoon characters lol

  5. I get Barney and Thomas the Tank songs stuck in my head thanks to my boys. =)

  6. Oh gosh! I didn’t even have to watch the video to start singing it in my head and now, I’m afraid it’s gonna be on replay all day! Thx!!!

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