In recognition of the United Nations International Day of Peace (September 21, 2020), the CelebYou Talent Challenge App will support Stand4Peace and launch the CelebYou Shape Peace Together Challenge.
The Challenge begins on Friday, September 18, 2020, and ends on Sunday, October 18, 2020. To enter the challenge all you have to do is download the CelebYou Talent Challenge App from the Apple App Store (for free) or visit
CelebYou Talent Challenge
CelebYou and Stand4Peace will select 5 Challenge winners from among all submissions. Each winner will receive a customized PEACE Pole (as well as the admiration of their friends, family, and others who believe in Peace). PEACE Poles are sanctioned by the United Nations as an internationally-recognized symbol of hope, standing for PEACE on earth.
Each PEACE Pole shares the message May Peace Prevail on Earth in different languages on each of its four sides. There are an estimated 250,000 PEACE Poles in every country in the world.
“Stand4Peace sees each PEACE Pole planted as a sign of “standing-up” for peace in your community,” said Karen Wooldridge, Co-Founder of Sand4Peace.
“Working together as global citizens starts locally,” said Mark Burrell, CEO of CelebYou Talent Challenge. “CelebYou decided to use its resources to support the amazing work that Stand4Peace is doing, on a local level, to help unify peace through education, which truly demonstrates what each of us can do, on a personal level, to bring peace to our friends, family, communities, and the world as a whole.”
Stand4Peace is honoring The United Nations Day of Peace by holding a heart-felt online event in partnership with the Compton Unified School District and Manhattan Beach Unified School District on September 21, 2020, from 11:40 a.m. Pacific Time to 12:10 p.m. Pacific Time.
Students from more than 40 schools in the greater Los Angeles area will attend the video streaming event, which is also open to the public.
You can watch the event on YouTube: and/or register to attend the online event here:
Stand4Peace is a private organization, based in Los Angeles, CA. It is impartial and independent of any government, political persuasion, corporation, or religious creed.
The Intent of Stand4Peace is to be a resource to educate and bring public awareness to issues related to PEACE by commemorating the United Nations’ Day of PEACE on the 21st of September and all that it “STANDS 4”; and to assist educators, community members, civic leaders, business partners and beyond through these resources to bring hope and peace through action.
CelebYou is a celebrity-hosted, influencer-supported App that gives consumers an opportunity to participate in fun and exciting competition-based challenges.
Participants become eligible to win once-in-a-lifetime experiences and life-changing opportunities. The CelebYou Talent Challenge App may be downloaded for free from the Apple Store and will soon be Android compatible.