I make at least four trips in to see my parents each year. That's a 285 mile trip each way… and at least three of those visits are just me and my son (now eight). So automotive safety is very important to us.
With that in mind, here are some of the things we do to keep us safe on the road:
Click It or Ticket
As I travel from TN to KY I see the green signs reminding drivers to buckle up, with the slogan "Click It or Ticket". We ALWAYS buckle up in the car. And my son is always in his booster seat. Statistics prove that in an accident you'll be much more likely to survive if wearing your seatbelt.
No Texting or Talking While Driving
Okay, you can talk… just don't do it on your cell phone. And if you must, make sure it's hands-free. As for texting – DON'T DO IT!
Big Wheels Keep On Turnin'
Make sure to check your tires. You want your tire pressure to be 32psi or whatever your owner's manual recommendation says. It's also a good idea to have a canister of
If It's Good Enough For The Tin Man
Check your oil. And if you're going on a long trip, think about getting an oil change. If you do get an oil change, be sure to drive it around at least a little bit after maintenance to make sure they didn't make a mistake. They are after all, only human.
Keep Your Concert Down
I don't know about you, but I have my radio on and more often than not… I'm putting on a show. I love to sing (not saying I'm very good) while I drive. However, you should keep the volume down, especially in congested areas, and near train tracks. You want to be able to hear sirens, emergency blares, etc.
Everything But The Kitchen Sink
Okay, you don't need to pack everything, but it is wise to always have an emergency kit or box in your vehicle. Keep a first aid kit, a flashlight (check the batteries periodically), water, a blanket, a rain poncho, and protein bars (check the expiration dates every so often), to name a few. If you have young kids, it pays to have a change of clothing, diapers, and maybe some toys or games. You never know when you may be stranded on the side of the road. Or even stopped on the highway because of an accident ahead.
Thank You, Please, and Your Welcome
Be a courteous driver. The last thing you want is to get unwittingly involved in someone's road rage. Better to be safe than sorry.
Filler Up
Make sure you fill up, especially before embarking on a long trip. You don't want to be in the middle of nowhere and run out of gas. Cue some dueling banjos here.
Snooze You Loose
If you feel tired or sleepy and you have a passenger who can switch off with you, now would be a good time to do it. If you're alone, find the next exit and get a room or if there's more adults with you – pull over and take a little rest. Never drive if you feel sleepy.
Put The Pedal To The Metal… NOT
I think obeying the speed limit is probably one of the most abused safety tips. Personally, it is difficult for me. Luckily, I have cruise control, so when I'm on the open road, I use it. This way, I avoid the "heavy" foot issue I have.

In addition to the above tips, there also some great tips from Safelite AutoGlass®, like these:
- Think you can ignore a chip in your windshield? Think again! The windshield provides up to 30% of your vehicles structural integrity, and a chip smaller than 6 inches (or the size of a dollar bill) can easily be repaired by filling it with a special resin.
- A chip could turn into a crack at any time, often when you are least expecting it. Windshield repair is often a safe and economical alternative to a full windshield replacement.
- Scheduling a windshield chip repair is easy! Companies like Safelite AutoGlass provide mobile service – wherever your car is – often within 24 hours of your initial call.
So there you have some tips to help you have safe travels on the road this summer, and beyond. I would love to hear what you do to keep your family safe while on the road. Safe driving my friends!
Disclaimer: I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Safelite blogging program, for a gift card worth $30. For more information on how you can participate, click here.