On Sunday we waved bye to our 13 year-old independent son as he and a bus load of his theater friends embarked on a week long trip to New York City… I compared it to the first day of Kindergarten. It was a very similar feeling for me — exceptRead More →

When you are expecting your first child, you read all of the books about pregnancy, like “What to Expect When Your Expecting“, babies, and even toddlers. You glean information that is helpful to prepare you for the adventure of parenthood, but there are just some things nobody tells you anythingRead More →

When it comes to parenting, can you really ever be good enough? Try as you might, you’ll still make mistakes. That’s okay! After all, we’re only human. However, if you’d like to improve your parenting skills, follow these tips on how to be a better parent: 1. Compliment your childRead More →

Guest Post Many parents deal with behavioral issues with their teenagers, and it can be difficult to know how to handle it. An important thing for parents to remember about a misbehaving child is that it is not always their fault. Many times, children receive bad influences from classmates orRead More →

Compensation was provided by State Farm. The opinions expressed herein about how I am the best me I can be, thanks to my husband are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of State Farm. The Best ‘Me’ I can Be I’ve always beenRead More →