For Blog by Donna’s stats, here’s my MEDIA KIT. If you are interested in a sponsored post, ambassadorships, or product reviews email me at and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. If you want to know more about me, read on…

I write about a myriad of topics. You will find posts about family, parenting, food, cooking, and recipes (I love to eat). I also write about health and fitness, beauty and fashion, all things financial, blogging, and technology.

I’m a huge geek and techie lover… from products (I’m an Apple girl) to TV shows/movies I like.

I’m also fond of humor, so you’ll get a lot of humor sprinkled around here. I love to share the brands and products that my family and I love with my readers. I also love to share contests, and giveaways — I love for my readers to win things! I write about pop-culture and what’s going on in the news.

Honestly, I write about whatever strikes my fancy. I hope I help as well as entertain you. Because there would be no Blog by Donna if it were not for YOU!



I am married to my soul mate and we have one <gulp> a 15-year-old <gulp> son. We live in Knoxville, TN, near the Great Smokey Mountains. I have a B.S. in Education but wanted to be able to be a stay at home mom and have been fortunate enough to do just that.

We are very active in our local children’s theatre (Knoxville Children’s Theatre) where my son was just recently cast in his 18th play.

I am just like YOU!  I want to be loved and respected.  I want to be the best wife and mother I can be.  I’m trying my best to raise my son to grow into a man who is kind, intelligent and who respects women, as well as a man who can cook, clean up after himself and puts the toilet seat down when he is finished in the bathroom.  Wish me luck on this one… I need it.

I kind of fell into blogging … by accident.  And it has changed my life!

Here is some TMI about me:

I am both a tomboy and a girly girl.  I love to hunt frogs and turtles and dig in the dirt with my bare hands.  I love dressing up and being feminine.  I am part geek part tech illiterate.  I know – I am an anomaly!

I was 10 years old before I learned to ride a bike but I was walking at 9 months. 🙂

My favorite shows are The Walking Dead, The Blacklist, Stranger Things, Jessica Jones, and Black Mirror, as well as The Voice and Grey’s Anatomy. I enjoy binge-watching shows on Netflix, Amazon, and On-Demand. I love comedies, thriller/horror, action/adventures and dramas. My favorite move ever is The Greatest Showman (I saw it four times in the theaters)!

I love spending time with my family, writing, reading, hiking, dancing, laughing, and of course, blogging.

Get social with me: Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Google+

Contact me at:


  1. i love the blog hop you have and then your pic up there is great all kind of differnt ones

  2. Cute Blog … love your share flowers! thought we should connect! good luck with your writings! Sarah (a.k.a. The International Laundress)

  3. That’s really funny. Until I read the text I thought all those pictures were your guest contributors.

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