Are you leading a chaotic life? Is your world cluttered in such a way that you just cannot think straight? If you have started to lose focus and feel completely unorganized in life, you are not alone. To start off 2018 I want to regain focus, become inspired, and liveRead More →

Yoga meditation beginners can do is a frequently searched and asked question. Maybe because we think yoga meditation is too intimidating, especially if you’re new to yoga and meditation. This is entirely a misconception; yoga meditation can be helpful to anyone, not just a select demographic. It is a wayRead More →

Can you believe it is almost Christmas? I know, it’s crazy. And by crazy, I also mean crazy, busy. If you’re a busy mom and/or dad like me, you know exactly what I mean. With all the holiday parties and gatherings, cooking and baking, Christmas shopping, gift wrapping, and… I’mRead More →