SanDisk Sansa Clip Zip Review & Giveaway (CLOSED)


I've been slowly getting back into a workout routine, lately. I've also been frustrated with trying to listen to music while I workout. I have an iPhone, so I've been struggling with the fact that I have to wear something with pockets, so I can have a place to put my phone, or place it in the container on my treadmill (with my headphones dangling across. I will inevitably knock my earphones out of my ears every time I reach for my water bottle. Ugh!

Finally, I found a remedy! The SanDisk Sansa Clip Zip MP3 music player is PERFECT! It is so tiny. So portable. So easy. And did I say perfect? I love it! The clip on the SanDisk Sansa Clip Zip is amazing. I know that sounds silly, but I have used music devices before that are difficult to get the clip onto your workout clothing. And as I said, my iPhone has no clip at all. 




Here's some specs:

  • Easy clip on, Easy Go
  • 1.1" full color screen with new graphical user interface and
    album art display
  • Voice recording with built-in microphone
  • Play or record FM radio stations
  • AAC Compatible (DRM-free iTunes)
  • Expanded memory slot
  • User-friendly interface
  • Versatility meets affordability.
  • AAC Compatible (DRM-free iTunes), MP3, WMA, secure WMA, Ogg
    Vorbis, and FLAC. Rhapsody Music trial offer*** (CD &

Yes, FM radio. Yay! I love listening to my favorite radio station STAR 102.1 in the mornings. So if I am working out during 6-10 a.m. I tune in to them. If it's later, I enjoy my music I uploaded by just drag and clicking.

I also love the voice recording. I sometimes (yes, it's true) have moments of great clarity while I'm working out… now I can record my thoughts for later use. Because, although I may have moments of clarity, I usually forget them by the time my workout is over. 

My only complaint about the SanDisk Sansa Clip Zip is that it's dark purple. I'd prefer orange… I'm a UT fan and bleed orange! Hey, if my only complaint is the color, I really don't have anything to complain about!

I have some AWEsome news for YOU! SanDisk is going to give one to one of my readers. As well as 4 more winners to receive 20% off coupon codes at the SanDisk online store.


So, this is what you'll win:

One winner – 100% off Clip Zip (includes free shipping) coupon code. This is for 4GB Sansa Clip Zip MP3 (color of your choice), 4GB microSD card, and Clip Zip Reviewer's Guide.

Four winners – 20% off coupon codes (shipping not included). This is for 4GB Sansa Clip Zip MP3 (color of your choice), 4GB microSD card, and Clip Zip Reviewer's Guide.

They are only redeemable in the United States.

NOTE: The coupon codes will all expire November 25th, 2011 and are only redeemable at the SanDisk online store (

How To Enter:

Leave a comment. Tell me why you would like to win the SanDisk Clip Zip. You can just tell me you'd love to win it, or even just say howdy! Just leave me a comment! Easy peasy!

Extra Entries:

  1. Like Blog by Donna on Facebook and come back and leave a comment saying you liked me (you really do like me). 🙂
  2. Follow me (Donna) on Twitter and come back and leave a comment saying you are following me.
  3. Subscribe to Blog by Donna by email. You MUST confirm the email. Then leave a comment saying so.
  4. Subscribe to my RSS feed. Then leave a comment saying so.
  5. Grab my button from the right side bar and place on your blog for 3 extra entries. Then leave 3 seperate comments (with a link to your blog) for this entry.
  6. Tweet this giveaway each day for an extra entry each day – Win a SanDisk Sansa Clip Zip – via @DonnaChaffins @momcentral #sandisk Then leave a comment with your tweet URL (by clicking on the time stamp of your tweet).

So there are a total of 22 possible entries per person. This giveaway is only open to residents of the U.S. Contest ends on November 18, 2011 at 5:00 pm EST. The winners will be chosen via You will be contacted by email and have 48 hours to claim your prize. 

Good Luck!!!

I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of SanDisk and received a product sample to facilitate my review, and coupons to giveaway. The opinions expressed are 100% my own.

Congrats to Steven Manson Commenter #8!



Winners of the 20% off codes were:

2nd Place – Julie Lynn Bickham Commenter #32

3rd place – Heather R Commenter #22

4th Place – Pinky Sade Commenter #81

5th Place – Jennifer Rote Commenter #41


  1. I’d love to have one because I’m a gadget junkie. Also, my ipod shuffle just doesn’t do it for me.

  2. I like you on Facebook. 😉

  3. I follow you on twitter.

  4. I subscribe to your blog.

  5. I subscribe to your RSS.

  6. Like you !! I love you !! Thanks for sharing !!

  7. i already follow you on twitter and now i liked you on fb.thanks, i would like this so i could listen to my music

  8. I would love to win the SanDisk Clip Zip for myself for Christmas!

  9. Liked Blog by Donna on Facebook.

  10. Following you on Twitter.


  11. Subscribed to your e-mail.

  12. Subscribed to your RSS feed.

  13. Would like one or workouts also!

  14. Subscribe to your emails

  15. Facebook fan!

  16. I would like to win this for my husband

  17. like you on fb

  18. email subscriber

  19. I would love to win this for me 🙂

  20. I like you on facebook as Jen Rote

  21. I subscribe by email
    wildnmild4u (at) yahoo (dot) com

  22. I’m behind the times-I don’t even have an MP3 player!! So I would love to win!

  23. I Like Blog by Donna on Facebook- Mary Somerville

  24. I’m following you on Twitter- @maxfate

  25. I’m an email subscriber.

  26. I subscribed by RSS in Google Reader.

  27. love this for tunes while walking

  28. already really like you on FB
    betty dennis

  29. Howdy… I would love to win this.

  30. I liked you on FB! I really do like you! 🙂

  31. I am following you on twitter. My twitter name is Meecee.

  32. I have signed up for your email subsciption.

  33. I would love to win this and give it to my daughter for Christmas. She’s in college and always stealing my iPod 🙂 Thanks so much for the chance to win!
    lambeaugal at

  34. I like your blog on Facebook (FB name is Marie Penny)
    lambeaugal at

  35. I follow you on Twitter (@lambeaugal)
    lambeaugal at

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    lambeaugal at

  37. I follow your blog’s RSS feed (Google Reader)
    lambeaugal at

  38. I want to win this for my baby bro! It’s on his wish list and I can’t wait to surprise him with it! Thanks so much!!!!

  39. Like Blog by Donna on Facebook – Pinky Sade.
    I really do like youuuu!

  40. Follow on Twitter @pinksade

  41. Button on sidebar –

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  44. i’d love it for my nephew who asked for one this christmas
    nannypanpan at

  45. I would love to win this for my mom for Christmas!

  46. I Like Blog by Donna on Facebook

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