We recently added an office onto our home, so I’ve been looking for office decor to finish it. The last thing I needed was some other piece of furniture for extra seating. I wasn’t sure if I wanted a chair or a bench, but as soon as I saw the floral pattern, aqua, teal, turquoise, and gray bench from Society6, I knew I wanted this bench.
I received the Society6 Bench Black by Floral Pattern, Aqua, Teal, Turquoise, and Gray – Bench Black Aston Legs for inclusion in a gift guide. Links below may be affiliate links, so if you make a qualifying purchase I will earn a commission at no cost to you.
When I was looking at office decor and extra seating I wanted something that would fit with the decor, of course, but I wanted something comfortable and would fit under windows. I have eight windows and two french doors in my office so this was a must.
Which is why I knew a bench would best fit my situation.
One of the things I love about Society6 is that every purchase pays an artist. This is a great reason to shop Society6, whether it’s for home or office decor, or apparel, tech, and so much more.