No Internet: What Would Bloggers Do?

Today, you will find many people who spend their time online. Aside from individuals who love to hang out on social media pages or chat rooms, bloggers also tend to spend their days in front of their computers updating their blogs with content.

Whether it’s for business or leisure blogging, they seem to enjoy staying online all day.


No Internet? What Would Bloggers Do

Bloggers and Their Love for the Internet

The Internet is indeed essential for a blogger. They can post about any topic or consider their blog pages as journals that can help or entertain readers.

Other bloggers love searching for news and share it on their blogs for their followers to read. And many bloggers make a living from blogging.

Regardless of their goals of creating blog entries, the internet plays an essential role in bloggers’ lives.

What if There is no Internet Connection

What would you do if you didn’t have internet connection for a day? Many people have been asked this question and can’t come up with an answer. Just imagine giving this scenario to a blogger.

What would bloggers do if their ISPs got into trouble and resulted in no connectivity for a day? With the significance of the internet in their lives, bloggers may do the following in case they can’t connect online due to ISP issues.

Without the internet there would be no traffic to blogs, either.

Ring Their ISPs Right Away

Anyone who uses the internet would immediately call their ISPs and ask why they can’t access the internet. Bloggers, with a majority of them making a living through their content, would demand an answer and get their network services fixed right away.

If the company isn’t able to solve their issues immediately, they will want an answer and time frame when they expect to solve the issue.

Bloggers won’t feel comfortable until they are satisfied with how their ISPs deal with their connection problems.

Hangout in an Internet Cafe or Use Public Wi-Fi

As they need to go online, some bloggers will go to an internet cafe just to access the internet. Some public establishments have free Wi-Fi hotspots that they can access through their portable devices. This temporary solution is enough to update their clients or blogs that they maintain.

Several establishments, however, like coffee shops, require people to buy their products before allowing access to the internet. Bloggers and other online workers will absolutely spend money to have access to the internet and do their usual tasks.

Making the Switch

Bloggers and online employees would feel that their ISPs really messed up, especially if they experience the problem for days. In these instances, they think that it is better to switch ISPs instead of staying with their current services.

They will look for other options that will provide stable network connections and services so they can have online access once again.

Bloggers, as well as other online contractors, definitely find internet services as an important tool to use for their work.

Considering this point, they search online for the best high-speed internet service that remains stable and provide the value for their money. If not, they are more than willing to change services that will meet their daily work demands.


  1. This happened to me once for part of a day…I felt SO LOST!

  2. I love my internet, but if it’s out, I find other things to do, lol.

  3. This would make a great reality show premise for those really hooked. I imagine productivity in other areas would skyrocket!

  4. I earn through blogging but losing the connection in a day is no problem with me as I get to spend more time with my kids 🙂

  5. I had the power go out once back during monsoon season. It was out for half the day…it was a good reminder though to not take my luxuries, including internet for granted. Plus being unplugged can be awesome. There is a world around is spinning so fast that we’ll miss stuff if we just live at our desks all day…but in this day and age no internet access can cost people their jobs. Especially those that work from home. Its almost as much a necessity as the light bulb has become.

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