I recently discovered this great web site… ParentsConnect.com – Nickelodeon’s parenting site. Anything to do with Nickelodeon must be good, right?
ParentsConnect is by the same great folks that brought us Noggin, Nick Jr., Nickelodeon, Nick@Nite and The N. With all the great children’s programming and web sites focused on teaching and entertaining our children, they realized that we parents needed something. And that something is ParentsConnect.com. From their site,
From pregnancy to childbirth, baby names to child care, toddlers to teens, we’ve got no-nonsense parenting advice, parenting tips, local family activities and an awesome community of not-so-perfect (but great) parents just like you!
I highly recommend you check out ParentsConnect’s community area. Where you can chat about trying to conceive, your children, sex and relationships and much more.
They also have Boot Camps. The two Boot Camps going on right now are Family Relationship Boot Camp and Get Organized Boot Camp. Because of time constraints I unfortunately couldn’t join this time but I hope they offer these and more boot camps in the future. Because I sure could use the Get Organized boot camp and having the motivation of a community support is just the push I need.
So go join (it’s free) ParentsConnect today so you won’t miss out on any more community boot camps as well as share your parenting tips. And if you need advice or have parenting questions, you’ll find it at ParentsConnect. I know I can use all the help I can get. 🙂