My 10 To-Dos in June


Well I have good intentions, anyway. So… it's my hopefully to-dos in June, if I'm completely honest.

  1.    Finish spring cleaning and de-cluttering, so I can have a yard sale the first of July (I've lived here 13 years,it will be my first yard sale).
  2.    Read at least 5 books (hopefully more).
  3.    Have more "girl" nights out.
  4.    Have more date nights, with my hubby.
  5.    Have more Mommy and son dates. 🙂
  6.    Do some guest blogging. I've had a lot of guest bloggers lately, but would like to do some guest blogging myself.
  7.    Get caught up on StumbleUpon (I am seriously behind on stumbles), and organize my boards on Pinterest, better.
  8.    I'm not sure if I can finish it (but at least get it close to finished), but at least work on finishing my sunroom.
  9.    Finish watching all the shows I have DVR'd.
    Try some new recipes (and although it could be #11, practice being a better food photographer).

Do you have some things on your to-do list for June?

