Every Monday morning (or Sunday night), I write down my goals for the week. This gives me a guide to keep me on track for the week. So I thought since I write them down every week anyways, why not share them here so other wahms and sahms can see how I set my weekly goals, and maybe it will be of some help to you. So for the week of May 12 – May 16 here are my goals:
- Graduation and Father’s Day designs – get them uploaded to Be Shirt Happy, and descriptions written by the 13th.
- Research, take notes and make outlines for some blog ideas.
- Start revamping Shirt Secrets.
- Get some more of the designs I created last week on BeShirtHappy by Friday.
- Update my social networks – Mainly Facebook and Twitter.
Now remember, always be flexible with your goals. Because sometimes life happens and you may need to readjust your goals. I do strive to stick to my goals as best as possible, but I do not get stressed or beat myself up if at the end of the week I didn’t reach every last one.
If you set goals each week share with us how it works for you. Hope to hear from you! Enjoy Life!!!