I discovered a wonderful web site for working moms, Mom Corps. The site asks the question "Wondering how you can have it all? Career, family, and Balance?" This issue plagues many women who want or need to work but at the same time want to be with their children.
At Mom Corps, they give "candidates" (you), the flexibility you need to achieve your goal of finding success both personally and professionally.
With today's economy, many stay at home moms are finding themselves having to go back to work. This is where Mom Corps comes in. Mom Corps is a web site that allows working moms to fill out information about how flexible that they need a job to be and submit their resume. So you can find flexible work that you can schedule your hours so that you can work around your child/children's needs.
If you are looking for employment that will offer you the flexibility to earn an income as well as allow you to take care of your families needs and responsibilities, I suggest you check out Mom Corps.
It is free to register with Mom Corps and post your resume, as well as, search their job boards. They do have a featured listing that you have to pay for, that places your resume on the top of the search results when a potential employer looks for candidates. I would suggest saving your money though, and forego this feature.
Good luck and happy job hunting! If you have already had experience with Mom Corps, share your experience with us. Hope to hear from you. Enjoy life!!!