I first wrote about Marlie Casseus on August 4, 2008, after watching her story on TLC. And today, I received an advanced copy of Marlie’s update that will air this Sunday night on TLC. I am thrilled to have been given the opportunity to watch Marlie’s New Face: Four Years Later.
Marlie, from Haiti, had her first surgery in 2005 when she was thirteen to remove the 16-pound tumor that had taken over her face. She was near death when the Eugene sisters, twin nuns, helped find treatment for Marlie Casseus when the melon-size mass took away Marlie’s ability to speak, her sense of smell and nearly choked and blinded her.
The International Kids Fund, the Eugene twins and Jackson Memorial Hospital surgeon, Dr. Jesus Gomez, helped Marlie, resume a more normal life.
Marlie suffered from Polyostotic Fibrous Dysplasia and since then has undergone seven surgeries. She was in South Florida earlier this year to replace excess scar tissue and replace her facial implants.
Marlie’s latest update will inspire you. Her spirit is amazing. Marlie, now seventeen, is typical of many girls her age… she loves to shop and hopes to meet that special boy and get married someday. Yet Marlie is different… very different than most 17-year olds. Although she wishes to marry someday she wonders if any boy could ever love her face.
It was difficult to listen to her tell (through a translator) her story. Several times as she spoke tears would fall down her face. At times there was such sadness in her eyes – yet at others, such strength.
She made me realize how silly it is to worry about such insignificant things. How we’ll stress out over something as silly as a zit. I mean, how horrible it is if we are seen out in public with a little pimple on our face. See what I mean? Trivial.
I’m confident that after you watch the latest update on Marlie Casseus, you too will be inspired by her courage. You will also see the beauty in her face.
In Marlie’s New Face you will see her latest surgery and how Dr. Gomez gives her face symmetry. Marlie still has a long journey. One that she hopes will bring her teeth – because the tumor caused her to lose hers.
So I hope you watch the newest update – Marlie’s New Face: Four Years Later. It premieres Sunday, September 13, 2009, at 9:00 p.m. EST on TLC (Comcast: channel 56, DirectTV: channel 280, DishNetwork: channel 183)
Thank you, Marlie, for sharing your story… for reminding me of what’s really important. I will continue to follow your story.
International Kids Fund (IKF), a program of Jackson Memorial Foundation, seeks to facilitate access to life-saving or life-changing medical care for children in need. This includes international children who cannot be treated within their native country, as well as children living in the United States who, without IKF assistance, would otherwise have no options. The fund ensures these children receive the best care possible at Holtz Children’s Hospital of the University Miami/Jackson Memorial Medical Center, one of the nation’s premier teaching hospitals. For more information or to make a contribution, please visit www.internationalkidsfund.org or call 1-877-IKF-KIDS.
My name is Gloria and I am a 32 yr old black woman an I have Fibrous Dysplasia Osteoma. I am amother of 3 i have twins girls and a son it did not occur in my kids.I think god for that The fibrous dysplasia occurred on my left side of my body. I hade a total of 9 surgeries and more to came. I would like to get to now you because your not the only one going through that problem
Dear Marlie,
I saw your progress on the medical discovery channel this afternoon. I was saddened by you having to go through this experience at such a young age; but, have to wonder how mature you are and the level of your maturity you are experiencing having gone through all you have. I enjoyed watching your face develope into the young woman you have come to be and wish you all joy life has to offer. I would like to become your pen pal. I will keep you in my prayers. My name is Linda and I live in San Diego, California. My email address is: [email protected]
I watch the show 2x Marlie you are very blessed and loved in arkansas
I wish i could meet you and give you many hugs and loving tears .
Dear Marlie-
We are very happy that things are getting better for you. We are looking at your new update this year…we hope to watch the new TV program about you. We are so touched by your courage and sweetness in the face of extreme challenges in your life. We think you are beautiful and that God is definitely smiling at you!
Much love-
Marv & Michele Jonesi
Nampa, Idaho
You are a real inspiration!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t stress over small things anymore, i take it one day at a time. Thank You!
Hello! My name is Sancho Sunny I live in Nightmute Alaska. I think that it was good that the doctors fixed her face
MARLIE!!! i finally see her…her face is so beautiful
Keep going Marlie I love you.!!!!!!!!!!!!! You look really pretty.
You are an inspiration to all of the Oregonians keep going strong Your always gong to be on my mind tell all the Hations i said hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are AMAZING!!!! You keep going sweetheart, you are so beautiful!
you r the bestestest i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Marlie,
We saw your story and it touched our hearts. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Goodluck with all your future surgeries. You are a beautiful girl both outside and in. If you need a penpal just send us a letter/ e-mail and we will return the message. You will remain in our prayers. Lol.
Dear Marlie,
I’m so happy to hear you are doing better. And also,you realy made me feel better about my self good luck with later on sugeries.
Love Chenoa
Hello, Iv just watched the documentry about you Marlie and I just wanted to say that you are an inspiration to us all. You have made me realise just how lucky life can be and that god does look down on us. You have a very loving family behind you and you are a very strong young woman. Thank you for letting us into your life and sharing your story with us. Sheree from United Kingdom.
Hello I had to type just to say you are an inspiration to us all. I hope my four children grow up to be as intelligent and passionate as you. Your gorgeous,
Dave D
Hello Marlie, I was so moved to watch your story from the comfort of my house, to see you go through so much pain and hurt inside. I was so happy that you were able to be treated, and I was inspired by your strength and spirit. You are a beautiful person Marlie, a sweet and mature young woman. I know you will have a good future because you are such a lovely person, and you have a beautiful family who care so much for you. I wish you every happiness for the future, and I want to tell you this – you are a beautiful girl. With love, Linda x x x
I did look at the picture of you again today. I do not know if you have had any more reconstruction to your face; but, I had to tell you how nice you look, how you are developing into a nice looking young lady, and how pleased I am for all your progress. Please join my face book page.
Linda [email protected]
I want to know if Marley is okay after this desvastating earthquake in Haiti. My prayers are for the people of Haiti and I’m thinking today about this special girl name Marley
Is there any info. as to the condition of Marlie and family after the earthquake
I have been trying to find, to no avail, any information I can on Marlie. If and when I can find any information at all, I will be sure to share it.
Marlie and all of Haiti are in my thoughts and prayers.
Thanks Donna, or looking for info. I am also looking, and if I find anything I’ll share with you and your readers here.
Thank you Enola!
Does anyone know how Marlie is doing since the earthquake in Haiti? I’m praying that she is okay.
I’ve been looking for word on Marlie’s survival in the quake, too. I have found that the humanitarian twin sisters are alive. One was and still is in Haiti. Here’s the news coverage. http://www.wsvn.com/news/articles/local/MI141042/
Stacey, Thank you so much for sharing the link! That is great news – I’m so happy the twins are safe! Hopefully we’ll find out something about Marlie soon. If anyone runs across something, please share it with us. Thanks!
marlie your a trooper and you’ve come all this way and i’ve watched your inspiring vieo and i care for you bye
lots of love from emma. oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
In some way or another this young courageous girl has capture my heart. I am very concerned about her and her family. My thoughts and prayers are with whole nation of Haiti. I pray that she and her family are well. I am over joyed to hear that the twins are ok. Peace and Love to everyone and I hope to hear of good news. Thnks Stacey for the link!
I am a Dominican teacher living in Oregon. I learned about Marlie through her courgeous story in the Discovery Health Channel. I teach 5th grade and my students and I were wondering, and hoping, that Marlie and her family are okay. I have been searching for information unsuccessfully. Any news?
Marlie Casseus is ok, as is her family! I spoke to one of the nurses (Fabienne Achille, whom I believe is now a physician)who is from Haiti that took care of her when she was in miami , she says thay are all ok!!
Hello Everyone,
Please visit the attached link for a recent update on Marley Casseus.
Link : http://www.opinionbug.com/5754/marlie-casseus-survives-devastating-haiti-earthquake/
GLORY TO GOD!!!!!!! I just read that Marlie is Alive
I just want to say that Marlie is okay with her family.
Marlie survived the earthquake
I am also thinking of Marlie and her family, Praise God the sisters are o.k.. Will be praying we hear something soon.
Found out Marlie and family survived, check out facebook page new face for Marlie Casseus!!!! She is blessed
Per the Facebook page for IKF (the charity that helped Marlie get the life saving surgery) Marlie and her family are safe and okay, but lost everything. Clearly God was carefully watching over this very special young woman and her family. In such tragedy is it nice to hear this bit of wonderful news!
Did Marlie survive the earthquake?
Did Marlie survive the earthquake?
Hi Marlie, I saw your story on t.v. and i just want to say you are an inspiration to us all in NYC!!! You are very beautiful! I hope you and your family are well after the quake in Haiti?
Marlie,your story,touched our hearts and we pray,so you can keep getting better.We love you ,and hope you are o.k.You are beatifull!
God Bless and Love
A few days ago I suddenly remembered Marlie and that she was from Haiti. I immediately prayed for her and her family, and for all the people. I was so worried she might not have made it. However, tonight when I found this web site and found out she is ok, I was so happy. And those twins, so wonderful!!!!
I am very Happy that Marlie and her family are safe in haiti she is a sweet young lady and I wish her all the luck in the world
I saw the most recent story of her.. Marlie’s New Face on DHC last night.
I’ve never cried so hard in my life to something on TV. I’m a guy, just turned 18 a few months ago, and I can’t imagine what it must be like to go through all she has to go through.
She makes me appreciate the life that I have. She is such a strong and brave person to do what she is doing and sharing her story.
Marlie is my hero.
Marlie, I am so glad you’re safe. God bless you and your family!
I am happy to report that Marlie and her family are all safe.
I found out from a colonel at the IKF and he confirmed it.
@Scott – I know… it’s incredibly good news!
Is there a way of donating a little money to this amazing young woman and her family?
@Susan-Jane – This is the latest article on Marlie http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/03/12/disfigured.haiti.girl/
Also, you can donate to International Kids Fund. Here’s their Facebook page – http://www.facebook.com/pages/International-Kids-Fund/7108474887?v=wall#!/pages/International-Kids-Fund/7108474887
Hope this helps!
Hello Marlie,
I have just watched document about you on our Czech channel. I was inspired by your strength, I admire you. Hope everything is and will be okay. Your smile is beautiful, Marlie 🙂
Czech Republic
Dear Marlie,
yesterday I saw a document about you and I really admire you!
I hope you are OK now and that you have now a "normal" life as other people.
Good luck and take care! :-*
Dear Marlie.
I saw your true story in TV in my country yesterday. Was it first moment I have heard about you.
You are pretty and very strong young women.
Dear Marlie, wish you luck, love and good people around you.
you have inspired me to help people like you
Dear Marlie,
You are a brave soul. You are beautiful, corageous, and kind. I can’t believe such a beautiful girl like you could get such a disease. I wish you luck in your surgeries! I just watched your latest on TLC last night. Have fun, stay strong and stay beautiful!!! I wish you a happy, loving life!!
<3 Ashley <3
i hope u feel happy
god bless marlie, god bless all
I saw you on a cable channel a couple of weeks ago. It was a repeat of your story and your 1st operations. As a result, I missed the September update. You showed so much courage. I have been thinking of you since then. I am so grateful that you invited Christ to be with you for your surgeries. I would very much like to know how you are doing now. God bless you more and more.
I came across your story by accident. I was deeply moved by your suffering. I hope things get better and better for you. I cannot imagine how much it took to face life, you are uniquely brave, courageous and strong. I wish you everything you can imagine and dream for yourself. Goddess bless you and everything you do and touch. And I hope you continue cooking, I like to cook too.
I just watched your story and I was touched by it. I began also to think, if God really loves you then why did you suffer such agony. But when I look into your eyes, I see things that even beauty can’t achieve… love. Love is what makes us human and I can see that you love your life in which others began to understand and love you too. Thanks for the inspiration. You are in deed God’s message to all of us.
I think she such a strong wonderful women.God bless you and God will always protect you. You are a such a amazing women at your age. God will you use u as a vessel. Devil is a liar he won’t win.
Stay bless. I would like to Take the opportunity to thanks the Doctor with their care and love.
Will always pray for you
I just want to say that Marlie you,are awesome and beautiful I’m so happy that your ok
Dear Marlie
I give God thanks everytime I remember where you’re cming from. I really have a change of mind since I’ve watched your story. You life made me realize that we should worr about our small problems but take the time to help someone else who has a bigger problem. I love you. May the strenght of God be with you always.
Hey there!
I think we can all say with confidence that we are pulling for her. She Is a sweet Soul beloved to God. And, perhaps your hardship is an example for us all to recall life and that it is a gift and that beauty is something every human has as God values us as his children we can do no wrong and wear no face that he will not forgive and love us if we will just remember him and follow him as our Father. I pray it goes well for you and your family.
Christ Save You!
Cheers to You Fighter!
Hi to everyone! This story is amazing, tears of joy :’) to see the transformation and Smile of Marlie, if anyone have the site to see how is at present (2012 September) PLEASE let me know..
Hi, it seems her family was displaced during the earthquakes and her aunt was killed. Marlie is having to have more surgery but hopefully it will work out ok http://www.arabtimesonline.com/NewsDetails/tabid/96/smid/414/ArticleID/158222/reftab/96/t/Facial-tumour-returns/Default.aspx
Hi Ellie, Thank you for the update… I know many people wonder how she is doing!
Do you have any recent updates as of 2012 on this story?
The latest information I have on Marlie is in the link that is in the comment above yours, that Ellie was so kind to leave. But I will try to see if I can find out more information to share with you all.
How is she? We want to know how she is doing?
My daughter and I just watched your documentary on youtube. I am amazed and speechless at all you’ve had to endure. You are amazingly brave and very beautiful. My little girl is happy that the doctor’s were able to give you “a new face” and that you are a hero. A real hero.
Love and hugs from Germany,
Sabrina and Ariana
Dear marlie
You are beautiful and very brave young woman god bless you and every one. Keep smiling
From Jordan
marlie is a very pretty girl
you are brave!!!
we all love your story and we think you are very blessed for serviving you are as brave as a solejer we give lots of love to you!!!<3(:
What an amazing child…and now young woman. Marlie, may God continue to bless you. I pray that you and your family are safe and that you continue to heal. Your sisters and mother are beautiful souls – as our the two nurses who fought for you. God Bless you Marlie, you give a new meaning to love
when I first saw this little girl years ago on t.v. , I began to pray right then and there ! I ” believed ” that she would recover from the tumor on her face. Thanks be to our GOD for his healing handsand his power !!! I knew that she was going to be ” alright ” !!! I would like to thank the Doctors who played a part in her recoverey !! “AMEN “
I just stumbled on your storie on the you tube. I was touched by how brave you are. You are a very special and a beauiful girl. I could could never imagine going threw such a emotional journey. I am very excited that the progress is going great and that your over all health and your self confidents is better. What a true blessing for you and your family to find such a great Doctor and a new friend. God bless you and your family and Happy Hoilday’s.
hi, i just saw your story on youtube and would like to say that i think you are very brave and very strong and i am happy that you are no longer suffering. i admire your patience and strength, may allah make you better each day and lead you to the right path.
I am just now learning of you and all you have had to endure. I hope you have been able to return to Miami for the additional surgeries you need. Anxiously awaiting news of your progress.
You are a strong and beautiful young lady. You have given me the hope and inspiration I needed to stay strong. Thank you. I truly wish I could meet you, I would love to give you hugs and become good friends.
Best wishes.
Dear marlire whenever I heard your story. I was sad nut as I keeper whatching I got happy because you were brave . Don’t let any one tell you your ugly because your not and if they do call you ugly they just hetaing on you
Hello from Mongolia Marlie! I just watched your story and you are a strong person… I wish I could be your friend if our country were close 🙂 All I want to say is I love you and you are not alone in this world 🙂 Amen girl! hope to get in touch in the future 🙂
Hola Marlie, eres muy fuerte sigue luchando!!
I can’t believe the pain you went through you we’re an amazing little fighter you should be so proud of yourself . People should like you for what you are not what you look like but I think the surgeon done an amazing job you look beautiful just like before you got your illness you take care head up you have been put on this earth for a reason to stay here best of luck for the future to you and your family and I hope one day you will get married xxxxxxx
Liverpool England
Dearest Marlie,
Thankyou for inspiring me to become a more
caring person…..I wish I could hug you….what
an extraordinary soul you are.
Jennifer in Charleston SC
I was crying watching your story i thought of how strong you were. Best wishes to you and your whole family and thank god that your ok.
Hello Marlie:
May the rest of your life be blessed and filled with joy!!! What a strong and brave young lady you are!!
Hi Marlie, I was very touched when I watched the videos about your surgery on youtube. It takes a lot of courage for someone to share to people about the experiences you went through, I think of it as a testimony and an encouragement to help others. I know by sharing your story, you have encouraged people that there is hope. You are a beautiful, kind spirited girl who is very strong. Thank you so much for sharing your story.
Sylvia, Eagle River, Alaska
If I was a guy, I would totally date you! Your awesome Marlie! Stay strong!
Marlie, you inspire me. You have been through so much and look so beautiful. I will keep you in my prayers and always keep faith in God!
Marlie u r strong and beautiful so do not give up
Hey Marlie, I’m a 20 year old from India and I wanted to tell ou that your story has reached all the way here touching many hearts. You have made many realise the value of things and how we must appreciate and not live in a world of ignorance. Your story has truly made me have faith in God and I wish you all the very best for the future. You’re a beautiful person who has a very very strong will power. Don’t ever give that up!
Dear Marlie,
I believe that after watching the documentary about your illness, many people reflect on superficial nonsense beauty-intervention. I hope that you will fulfill all your dreams despite all the hardships and wish you good health and love.
Iva, Czech Republic
God Bless you Marlie you are beautiful young lady the power and Gods Blessings are truly amazing.. Love from Tennessee
You’re an inspiration and a very strong person. God loves you and will be always there. God bless you and your family. Live your life. You’re beautiful the way you’re.
Hey Marlie,
The courage you have portrayed throughout the medical journey is commendable. I told my friends about you. Add us to your fans list. You are our role model now and an inspiration for all those who worry over small things in life. I am going to write about you in the newspaper I am working with. If you get this mail do reply.
Loads of love and good luck. 🙂
God bless you Marlie! I hope you are doing well! Stay strong 🙂
Dear Marlie,u are not ugly u are beautiful,brave girl and i have feelings for u, i just want to let u know one more thing, dont let people judge u because of the way u look and if they do just ignore them, they’re just jealous cause the think they look better and they can say whatever they want, dont waste your time on what people think of u, forget people. Your perfect the way u are.
your a brave young girl and went to a prosscess that was hard
Hi Marlie, your story has brought tears in my eyes, as iadmire your courage, and your faith in God our father. I to is a victim also i was born with a deformity to my nose, and had to go through 9 plastic surgery to give me a nose bridge. I went through alot growing up, but i never gave up on my faith, i kept Jesus as my inspiration through my whole life, and has never stop. I pray as you continue this journey you will see the glory of God unfold in your life for with him everything is possible. I love you Marlie and God bless you always. Jeannette xx
Dear Marlie,
I was touched to see your bravery and your faith. You were absolutely telling the truth about the resurrection. When our Messiah comes back He will gather to Him the righteous.
Unfortunately, the Haitian culture mixes pagan customs with Roman Catholic lies, such as witchcraft (voudoun), birthday celebration, christmas, new year’s eve, Sunday worship, basically everything you have been taught about christianity (Deutéronome 4:2). And did you know we are not to have any images of anything, not even that image of Cesare Borgia posing as Jesus, and pray to it? Did you know the Roman armies once crucified as many as 500 of our people a day back in our true home town (Jerusalem) in 70 AD?
Then why do these over zealous people think it’s ok to wear a cross around their neck, or pray to other gods? (Exode 20:3)
Ask yourself these questions, where in the Bible is any of this written, or when did Messiah command us to do these things?
Messiah said in Jean 14:15 Si vous m`aimez, gardez mes commandements.
There’s a lot of “christian churches” that do not keep the commandments, just like apostle Paul said in Romains 10:2-3 Je leur rends le témoignage qu`ils ont du zèle pour Dieu, mais sans intelligence: ne connaissant pas la justice de Dieu, et cherchant à établir leur propre justice, ils ne se sont pas soumis à la justice de Dieu
If anyone is telling you that the law of YHWH is gone, you have been lied to, cause the following passages prove otherwise
Révélation 14:12, Révélation 22:14-15 et Matthieu 7:21-23
Love you and may YHWH bless you in the name of Yahshua
I watched your documentary on Youtube today and couldn’t stop crying, please, just let me tell you something, you are very beautiful, yes, and that’s all. And you are very brave, to survive under the dangerous surgeries and the tumor, I am very sure that you can meet a man that you two fall in love with each other one day, and that day will come very soon! Please, keep fighting for yourself and the others who are experiencing this unfortunate illness! Thank you very much!
Dear Marlie;
Precious child you are loved by so many and God must love you so to change your life so drasticlly from the tragedy it could have been. Allah God does nothing without a reason to benifit the spirtual growth of the human beings he loves so much. I pray for your continued good health and success in the journey that lies ahead of you called life. It is hard for us all now, and the faith in God’s everlasting mercy is all we have left. I pary that he will look down upon his people and change our condition because we are surely trying to change what is in our hearts. Your story let me see that, human beings must change their hearts to find the kind of love your have not their faces. Their hearts are more deformed than your beautiful self could ever be. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you.
This story is so touching in so many ways. My mother had the same thing. For many years growing as a young child my mother had surgery after surgery and it would always grow back. It was until one day my aunt watched TLC and she say Marley’s story. She then got in contact with Dr. Gomez’s offfice. I am so very thankful to Dr. Gomez and his staff. GOD blessed him with a very special gift. My mother is now able to enjoy life once again. Thank you Dr. Gomez for all you do. Marley you are a very beautiful young lady inside and out. Your a precious angel of GOD a.d because of that you will never have to worry about anything. You are rich beyond measure. That special someone is going to come in your life one day and love you unconditionally for the person you are. GOD bless you sweetheart keep telling your story.