If you ever saw the Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet movie "The Holiday", this is one concept of house swapping. If you want to vacation a week in a cabin in Tennessee or a chateau in the Swiss Alps but can't afford peak season prices charged by holiday companies? Then house swapping may be for you.
All you need to do is register with an agency, which costs between $60 to $150 a year.
Another new reason to house swap is if a homeowner is moving to another state, and is having trouble selling their home, there is potentially someone in the state they are moving to that may be in the same predicament, and is trying to move to their state. Channel 9 News recently aired a report on a new creative approach to selling homes called house swapping. Check it out: http://www.9news.com/news/article.aspx?storyid=90963
Here are a few sites that list homes for trade or swapping:
So whether you want to exchange homes for a cheaper vacation or swap homes because you are relocating to a new area or state, house swapping may be just what you need.
Have you ever swapped your home? If so let us know how it works! Hope to hear from you. Enjoy life!!!