I can’t believe that summer break is over and my son attends freshman orientation tomorrow I think I’m experiencing as much anxiety about it as my son is. I mean… HIGH SCHOOL!
Seriously, wasn’t he in Kindergarten just last year? Sigh.
My son is starting a new school in a new district, which makes this whole transition even tougher.
Sponsored Post: This post is sponsored by Walmrat.com but the content and opinions expressed here are 100% my own.
Ready or not though, he is officially a high school freshman and it’s Back To Business for me and my family. And it is an exciting, scary, and anxiety-filled time. I’m not sure if there’s enough coffee in the world for me in the morning, but I know my son will be fine. Partially because we are prepared.
If you have a child starting Kindergarten, middle school, or <gulp> high school for the first time, there are a few things you can do to calm their nerves and make this transition a smooth one…
How to Calm the Starting High School Anxiety
Go To Bed Early & Eat Breakfast
Yeah, I know after staying up late and sleeping in all summer break, not to mention the nerves, it’s not easy to go to bed early, but it really will help to have a good night’s sleep.
Then be sure to eat breakfast before you leave for school, even if it’s a piece of fruit and even if you have a nervous stomach. You need food to give you energy
Talk About Your Fears
Whether with your parents or a friend, talk about your worries and concerns. Sometimes it helps just to say them out loud. Maybe your mom, dad, or friend can share some insight that may help calm some of your anxiety.
Shop for School Supplies & Clothes
Having all the school supplies you need and clothes that represent your style will help start you off on the right foot. And walmart.com makes this a breeze.
I ordered all my son’s papers, binders, notebooks, pens, and pencils. I also ordered him some shorts that he loves because they are more casual-dressy, but are so comfortable. He is a creature of comfort, so if I want him to look nice, I have to find clothes that are comfy.
I really loved that I could sit at home in my pj’s, order his back-to-school supplies, and not have to fight the crowds in the store.
My favorite thing about shopping walmart.com is their Every Day Low Prices on back to school smart rollbacks. Shopping at walmart.com won’t break the bank and you always get more bang for your buck.
I got all the paper, pens, pencils, composition notebooks, highlighters, and binders (he had several leftover from last year) that he will need to start off his freshmen year.
I bought my son 4 pairs of his favorite shorts. I’d been buying the Burnside Men’s Hybrid shorts from a popular online shopping site for $19.99- $24.99, but Walmart had them for $11.50. That’s a big savings!
I was able to take care of all my son’s back to school needs from walmart.com and I never left my home.
Go To Freshman Orientation
Freshman orientation is a great opportunity for you to learn where your locker and classes are and meet the school’s principal and your teachers in a more relaxed setting. This is what we are going to tomorrow. My husband and I get to stay, too, and meet the principal, tour the school, shop for some school tees, hoodies, etc. from the book store, and meet other parents.
Sign Up For Clubs or Activities
This will help you meet new friends, develop your interests, and help you feel more a part of the school. Our son’s new school has a lot of clubs and extracurricular activities, so I’m sure he will find a few that interests him.
Remember, Everyone Is Just As Nervous As You
Last, but certainly not least… Everyone is probably just as nervous as you are. Everyone has those first-day jitters. It’s a big change in every young man and woman’s life starting high school.
One more piece of advice…BREATHE.
I know that my son will excel in everything he does and I’m so excited for this next milestone in his life. Now, I just need to take my own advice and breathe.