Get Hair and Skin Ready for Summer

This is a sponsored post with Save-A-Lot. All opinions regarding getting hair and skin ready for summer are 100% my own.

I don’t know about you, but the winter months play havoc on my hair and skin. The cold months take all the moisture out of my hair and skin leaving me with dry brittle hair, and dry ashy skin.

What’s a girl to do?

Get Hair and Skin Ready for Summer with Sauve

Luckily, Save-A-Lot now carries Suave bath products. I recently stopped by my local Save-A-Lot and picked up some bath and beauty products. What I got…

  • Caress Daily Silk Body Wash
  • Suave Green Apple Shampoo
  • Suave Green Apple Conditioner
  • Suave Max Hold Aerosol Spray
  • Suave Free & Gentle Body Wash Kids


I love the smell of green apple, it’s such a fresh and clean smell and the Suave Green Apple shampoo leaves that nice, yet subtle, scent of green apple in your hair all day long.

Suave Green Apple conditioner gives my hair the much-needed moisture it needs to make my hair manageable and healthy-looking.

Suave Apple shampoo and conditioner at Save-A-Lot #savealotinsiders

I don’t use hair spray often, mainly because I don’t want a hair spray that makes my hair stiff (now in the ’80s, the stiffer and more hold, the better), but I also want a hair spray that does hold, though.

I like Suave max hold because it does just that…. holds my hair in place without feeling stiff. Remember, I don’t want my hair to look dry, that would defeat the purpose of the Suave shampoo and conditioner; so I want my hair spray to leave my hair looking soft.

Suave Max Hold Hair Spray at Save-A-Lot #savealotinsiders

As I mentioned earlier, this past brutal winter took its toll on my skin. I need a moisturizing body wash that’s gentle on my skin. I love Caress Daily Silk Body Wash.

It feels silky soft on my skin, rinses off well, and leaves me feeling hydrated. I do suggest using a good moisturizer daily after showering with Caress Daily Silk. And be sure to use a sunscreen daily, too.

hair and skin

My son, like me, has sensitive and dry skin. I picked him up the Suave Free & Gentle Body Wash Kids while I was Save-A-Lot. I like Free & Gentle because it is free of dyes and doesn’t irritate his skin.

Suave Kids Free & Gentle body wash at Save-A-Lot #savealotinsiders

I’m glad that winter is over and I’m looking forward to this summer. I’m spending the spring getting my hair and skin summer-ready.

hair and skin

Just remember, you do not need to spend a lot of money on hair and beauty products. Suave is a great example of that… my hair and skin look and feel great when I use both Sauve hair products and Caress on my skin.