Toni from A Daily Dose of Toni, is hosting this 30 Days About Me meme and today's prompt is "Worse Habit." Hmmmmm. I guess it's a good thing that I'm having a difficult time thing of something, right?
Alright, after much thought, I have to say my "worst" habit is, mindless eating while working at my computer. I have been doing much better, but it is something I could work more on. At least I'm aware of it now. It is one of the things that has contributed to my weight gain over the past four years.
I sometimes would get so busy with work that I wouldn't take the time for lunch, so I'd just snack as I worked. This is bad. Very bad. I've gone through a whole bag of Gummi Bears, or bag of chips without even realizing it. There's a lot of calories in a bag of Gummi bears.
Like I said, I am doing much better. I haven't completely broken the habit, though. But I do so love Gummi Bears. What is your worst habit?
@Kerry… if you pass me a glass of wine! 🙂
@Alicia – very true. And I have been much better about it. 🙂