10 Good Things About Being Poor

In today's economy it's getting harder and harder for many families to make ends meet. Times are tough all over. Unemployment is still severely high. And more people than ever are clipping coupons and bargain shopping.

If you're worried about finances and how you're going to put food on the table, don't fret… there's actually some benefits to being poor. Here's ten good things about being poor:

Keep Your Girly (or Boyish) Figure

If you don't have a lot of money to buy food, you'll eat less and have a nice svelte body. You won't have to worry about being overweight, and the unhealthy side effects of being obese. 


Clean Fridge
Speaking of not being able to afford food, this will help you keep a nice clean fridge. You won't have to worry about your refrigerator getting so full of food that some of it goes bad. Or trying to figure out what the mystery leftovers are. You'll have one less thing to worry about on your chore list.



No Hospital Stays

Since you can't afford insurance, you'll never have to worry about having to spend any significant time in the hospital or enduring those pesky medical tests.



Keeping Up With The Joneses

You don't have to worry about the Joneses because you're definitely not keepin' up with 'em.




If you can't afford gas, you'll be more apt to walk… thereby getting more exercise. And in turn, being more heart-healthy.



Open Door Policy

You can leave your doors unlocked, because you don't have anything worth stealing.



You've Got A Friend

You may not have tons of friends, but the ones you have are true blue. You know they're not just being a "friend" because you have money, fame, and/or prestige.



No Bookkeeping

You don't have the hassle of balancing a bank account. Because you don't have any money to put in the bank.



Stress Free Vacations

You don't have to worry about those exhausting and stressful vacations. You can hang out in the kiddie pool in your backyard all summer.



Retirement Free

You don't have to worry about retirement… you'll just work till you die.



See, being poor isn't so bad. There's definitely some advantages to being poor.

Okay, I hope you know this post is meant to be tongue-in-cheek. The only advantage to being poor I can think of is that it helps you to not take things for granted and to appreciate what you do have. But I'd still take rich, anyday. 


  1. Hank – so true. See I was coming at it as a female, and poor or not, we still carry purses. 🙂

  2. Unhealthy food is cheaper, so poor people are actually more likely to be overweight and suffer from heart disease and diabetes. Rest are true though.

  3. Farn has an excellent point. Many of the states that have the highest rates of poverty also have the highest rates of obesity due to the fact that healthy food (vegetables, fruits, etc.) are often much more expensive than processed foods.

    Unfortunately poverty also often leads to lower paying jobs requiring more time working and less free time. This can lead to less time spent exercising as well as higher stress levels. Health issues are more expensive as blue collar jobs do not often offer insurance.

    As someone that grew up in an upper-lower class family (read: poor but not abject poverty), this post is mildly amusing fiction at best.

  4. Great article! If your looking for a meal replacement that has 8 grams of carbs, 2 grams of protein, 6 servings of vegetables and no sugar. We also offer a great compensation plan. Email me at [email protected]

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