Did anyone catch dateline.msnbc.com last night? You and I may be rich! However, we may not know for a while. It seems that everyone and their cousin starting searching to see if they had money coming to them as well. So everyone wants to know if they have unclaimed money waiting for them…and you may continue waiting for a day or so. Here is a news story on it.
With the high cost of gas and the potential failure of troubled banks, we could all use some good news, especially in the form of money you didn't even know you had. In fact, finding money you didn't know was missing is a pretty darn good feeling, right?
You know that feeling you get when you find in a pair a jeans a $5.00 bill you forgot about…well it might just be me. Anyway there seems to be a lot of unclaimed money out there that we the public didn't know a thing about. You can check at MissingMoney.com and see if you are one of them. Just be patient, remember everyone else is searching too.
So if you were featured on Dateline.MSNBC.com last night, congratulations, you know you have unclaimed property! For the rest of us…well here is to finding out we're rich! Good luck. Oh, and if you find out you have missing money, let us know. We would love to hear about it! Hope to hear from you. Enjoy life!!!