Turkeynomics – Let’s Talk Turkey

Check out the stats and figures on what Americans spend on Thanksgiving dinner and where all those tasty mashed potatoes come from via mint.com. One of my favorite holidays is Thanksgiving. I can't wait to see my family, eat turkey, and celebrate my little guy's birthday!


ThanksgivingFactsInfographicMintLifeBlogPersonal 4dacc6f1bf72d w587
by Mint.com via

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  1. I’ll stick with the rising costs of turkey over veggie turkey any day!

  2. @Courtney – I hear ya! I’d just pass on turkey altogether, if I had to eat veggie turkey. Especially on Thanksgiving.

  3. It isn’t Thanksgiving without turkey. But, we spend a lot more on our dinner than that!

  4. Oh my gosh, let’s not talk turkey because I’m still in denial that it’s already November! LOL! Fun infographic–the total for the meal is a lot less than I thought it would be.

    And I’m a vegetarian and veggie turkey is gross. I just eat the sides. 🙂

  5. @ohkeeka – I know, this year has flown by! And, yeah, that seems a bit on the low side to me, too.

  6. I want my husband to get a turkey from his work this year, that would be a nice savings, now that I am on a farm maybe I should just grow me some turkey..? LOL, NOT.

  7. I love this infographic…our big thing is stuffing though, at least for me…we use chestnuts, and it’s awesome!

  8. @Penelope – stuffing is one of my faves, too! I’ve tried it several different ways, but I’ve never used chestnuts. I need to try it that way this year!

  9. I love to make my grandmother’s dressing and sweet potato pie. I like to eat my husband’s smoked turkey!

  10. I love Turkey although im not ready for November yet either lol

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