Tips to Help New Dads Bond with Their Newborn

Guest Post

Father and son

Proud dads love their newborns as much as moms do, but may have to make an extra effort to squeeze in bonding opportunities. Moms have built-in bonding times, especially if they breast-feed, and dads may be more anxious about handling that delicate little bundle of joy. From giving soothing baths to swaddling your infant in a baby wrap, these tips will have you bonding with your newborn in no time.

• Bath Time with Baby

Infants love the feeling of bathing in warm, soothing water as much as we do. Bathing with your baby makes your little one feel even more loved and secure. Make this comforting ritual part of your evening routine.

• Get Up and Dance!

Babies love movement. They also love snuggling against Mommy and Daddy. Combine the two in the form of dancing, and your newborn will love you forever. Hold your infant in your arms, or strap him or her to your chest. Besides providing a chance to bond, this fun-filled activity quiets fussy babies.

• Cuddle Up and Co-Sleep

If you and your significant other choose to co-sleep with your little one, this is an excellent way to form a strong bond early in life. In addition to giving babies and busy dads time to cuddle, this practice makes for a better night’s sleep for infants and parents.

Babies don’t cry or wake up during the night as frequently as they do when sleeping solo. When they do cry, someone is there to tend to their needs immediately. Just knowing Dad is a few inches away gives baby peace of mind.

• Clown Around

A dad having fun with his baby ranks among the world’s coolest sights. Since playing with your infant is one of the few times it will ever be socially acceptable to make goofy faces and crazy sounds in public, ham it up while you can! Whether a newborn or toddler, kids love it when dad blows raspberries or imitates their favorite farm animals.

• Baby Wearing

Wearing your infant in a baby wrap on your chest is one of the most practical ways to bond. Besides stimulating his or her senses through sound and motion, it gives your new baby a feeling of security and builds trust. You’ll even accomplish everything on your honey-do list while squeezing in some one-on-one time with your little one.

Jill Burbank is a blogger that guest blogs for a variety of online publications. Follow Jill @JillBurbank2.


  1. My husband had a hard time when my children were young. I love the bath time idea, he just didn’t know what to do when they cried.

    1. My hubby was wonderful, but I think the crying was the one thing he would freak out about at first. He just felt helpless. But he quickly got the hang of it. 🙂

  2. When our son was born my husband sold his business to help care for him and spent the entire first year at home helping. I don’t know what I would have done without him.

  3. These are great tips! My hubby was a pro! lol

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