This is a sponsored post. All opinions about how remote workers can stay strong and last through uncertain times with Ladder Advisors are 100% my own.
Did you find yourself suddenly working remotely because your work is still needed but since we are practicing social distancing you could no longer work at your workplace? Or like me, you already worked from home?
More people than ever are working remotely right now. And I know that many of us that are working remote jobs are very grateful we have a job at all. Many people have filed for unemployment over the past month with those numbers rising. Unemployment increased by 0.9 percentage point to 4.4 percent in March.
But just because you may be one of the lucky ones to be a remote worker right now, your hours may have been cut or how long you can work remotely is up in the air.
Advice from Ladder Advisors for Remote Workers
Ladder Advisors gives some great tips on how to recession-proof your finances that you’ll want to check out.
Ladder Advisors is prioritizing what clients need by offering a single monthly payment with low-interest rates.
As I mentioned earlier, I do work from home. Having worked from home for over 12 years now, I do have a few tips on how to make it work for you. Because as great and easy as it may sound to work out of your home, there are definitely some pitfalls and obstacles to work past.
It’s not always easy to work remotely when you have your whole family right there 24-7 with you. When you work from home there are a lot more distractions over working out of the home.
Tips for Remote Workers
Dedicated Work Space
It’s important that you have a place in your home where you can work. It would be nice if you had your own home office, maybe you have a spare guest room you can use. But if you don’t, just make sure it’s a space in your home where you can be comfortable working and if possible quiet… Whether it’s at a desk in your bedroom or the dining room table.
Time Management
Time management can be a huge pitfall when it comes to working from home. On one hand, it’s easy to get distracted when working from home and on the other, you can easily work many more hours than you would if you were working out of the home.
So, set a schedule. If you normally work 9 to 5, then set your hours for 9 to 5, or whatever your normal work hours were for you.
Make Rules
If you have children, and to some extent, your spouse/partner, you need to set some ground rules. Sit your family down and let them know that certain hours of the day mommy/daddy will be working and unless it’s really important, they can’t disturb you.
You may also need them to be quiet/quieter during certain hours of the day, especially if you have work calls or Zoom meetings, for example.
Just make sure everyone knows that you are working and they need to respect the rules.
Be Flexible
With all this being said, sometimes things just don’t go as you planned. There can be family interruptions or emergencies and you do need to be flexible. Maybe you have young children at home or several kids and it’s just not possible to have a quiet work environment.
If this is the case maybe you can get up 2-3 hours before everyone else and get in a few hours. As well as working late at night after everyone has gone to bed and the house is quiet.
So, if you are an essential worker that gets to work remotely from home, I hope these tips and Ladder Advisors help make this transition easier.