Gateway Convertible Laptop 'aka' Paulette's Nikky If you didn't know today was Name Your PC Day… you are not alone.  I didn't know until recently.  In fact, I emailed a friend a couple nights ago to see if she had a name for hers and she didn't.  She asked me if that made her weird; and I said  "no… I think those that name their computers are weird."

Well I think I was wrong.  It seems it is quite common for a person to name their PC.  So now I feel a little "left out".  I mean, I spend so much time on my laptop that it is almost like an extension of myself; like a dear friend!

Just as Alice, in Alice in Wonderland, I became curiouser and curiouser.  So I talked with my good friend Bridget Ayers over at The Get Smart Blog.  She didn't have to think about it,

My PC is Roxie, my old Dell laptop was Rocky it was a big behemoth Grey laptop that though not the sharpest PC out there slugged it out till the very end. My new laptop is a little white sleek HP that packs a bigger punch than good old Rocky but she still rocks it… Roxie.

Bridget was so kind to pose this question to the members of Get Smart Women Social Network

I am impressed with the names some people give their computers; and even more impressed with the stories behind the names.  Like Jennifer at Connect with your Teens,

I'm going to name my laptop "Little Red". I have a small Dell laptop inspiron 1420 that came in a variety of colors. I was tempted to get it in pink but my teenage son said that was too girly and talked me out of it. I wanted something fun and bright so I chose red with a matching red mouse and I love it. It is small and light enough to carry around, so "Little Red" is the perfect name for it.

And Paulette at,

My present Sally has been a cool HP laptop in the last 11 months. Sometimes its naughty but what do you expect from a laptop that stays 24/7 working. My last laptop Teddy, was a Dell. I still owe Teddy a lot apology. I constantly rocked the life out of the battery watching "24" and "Desperate Housewives" for hours until it gave up the ghost. My "Junky" desktop, is a warehouse for most of my stuff. I still find it difficult to let go of some unnecessary data. But honestly I'm looking forward to getting Nikky, a cute Gateway convertible laptop. Unfortunately, Gateway made it impossible for me to get her out of the US last year. Sad!…

The image I'm using above, is of Paulette's Nikky.  She is a real beauty!

I started to think this was a female phenomenon, the naming of one's computer.  However, I quickly found out that my male friends give their PC's a moniker as well.  I talked with Greg from Nerd Beach,

My PC's name is Twip; this name isn't that unusual given that my previous computers included such names as Tweng and Twung.  The names are handy, unique labels, without any real meaning.

I got a quick note from my friend JB at The Launching Pad,

Mine is named "Mac"  hee hee…..

Ummmm, so are we to assume your PC is a Mac?  Or is there more to the story?  JB will have to let us know.

I know I'm not the only person who has NOT named their computer; it is definitely more commonplace than I realized though.  So I need your help.  My readers who know me or have a sense of who I am from my blog – help me name my computer.  I use my laptop a lot.  She is for the most part a constant companion.  I however, cannot come up with a name for her.  I had no trouble at all coming up with a name for my son, after carrying a child for 9 months and giving birth makes naming them a bit easier I suppose, but I keep coming up with nothing when it comes to my laptop.

If you have a suggestion for me, leave a comment and if I choose your name I'll devote a post to your blog or website. 

Oh, and if you have a name for your computer – we would love to hear it!  If you're like me and don't have a name yet, you have until midnight tonight, November 20, 2008, to come up with a name.  Hope to hear from you!



  1. My two computers are named Groucho and Gomez, respectively.

  2. @ Donna
    Not really. I’m a big Marx Brothers fan, so a lot of stuff that needs a unique name gets called Groucho, Chico, Harpo, Zeppo, or Gummo. Gomez… I dunno, I just think it’s a fun name.

  3. @rtsniper: I’m not a cigar smoker but like that there is a theme. I like the sound of Robusto for a PC. 🙂

  4. I have 3 PC/MACs:
    Carbo (carbon-colored), Carrie (my laptop – always with me), and Cupper (my MacBook (Cuppertino))

    You should name yours Twunt 🙂

  5. @Kent: Wow 3 PCs – I like Carrie! I will take your name suggestion under consideration. 🙂

  6. I named my laptop Trixie. Just because I think it’s a cool name. (Good thing I don’t have kids, eh?)

  7. @Kat: I like Trixie! And I bet if you have kids you’ll name them beautiful names. 🙂

  8. @Bridget: I know this was fun! I didn’t learn there was a Name Your PC Day until the night before. I will definitely let you know sooner next time. I’ve enjoyed reading the responses the ladies have left at GSW Social Network.

  9. @JB: "Mac" is a good name. Kind of reminds me of "Buddy"; a name that makes me think of a friend. 🙂 However, if you do change the name let us know. And thanks!

  10. I have two computers. One is simply named "Dinosaur" since it’s so old. My PowerBook G4, on the other hand, her name is Sheila. She’s old, but still pretty feisty, and temperamental at times.

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