Dear Cody,
What a month! The biggest thing to happen in August was you starting 5th grade. Well, it’s really BIG for me. I’m actually very sad about it, because this year will be the end of your elementary school years. We love, I mean L-O-V-E, your elementary school.
I just cannot imagine not going there anymore. Sigh.
I also don’t even want to think about middle school. Although I know I have to. In fact, we will be touring several co-ops (for homeschooling), as well as several private and Montessori schools. The only thing we know for sure is… you will more than likely NOT be going to a public middle school.
Okay, enough of that.
You have the most amazing 5th grade teacher. We adore her! As I write this, you are just about to finish up your first month of school (I know, CRAZY) and we feel so blessed that you have Mrs. W as your teacher.
You are off to a good start this year. Keep it up!
The other big thing that occurred in August was the opening and closing of “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”. And, Oh. Em. Gee. YOU rocked the role of Huckleberry Finn. ROCKED it!
The role of Huck Finn was made for you… or you were made for it. Whatever the case may be, I cannot imagine anyone else playing Huck. Ever. You will always and forever be Huck. You were so FUNNY. I am in awe at your comic timing.
“Tom Sawyer” is my favorite play at Knoxville Children’s Theatre to date. It was so much fun and a pleasure to watch not only you, but such a talented and hard-working bunch of kids bring it to life.
What a blessing KCT has been in our lives. I don’t know where your career path will lead you as an adult, but I sometimes get a glimpse, and a slight fear, that you’ll be on stages and TV screens all over the world doing stand-up, making fun of your parents.
And I’ll be on the front row laughing.
Until next time…
I love you to the moon and back!

These monthly letters to our sons and photographs are a part of a circle. We will be publishing our letters on the first Fridays of every month. So please follow and check out the circle continuing with my friend, Shell at Not Quite Suzie Homemaker.
Aw, great post! I enjoy these Letters to Our Sons posts. 🙂
Thanks! I do too!!! 🙂
Omg, he is such a ham, love it all! He has star power 🙂
Yes, Penelope, he is a bit of a ham. LOL! Thanks, he truly loves acting.
I finally took my girls to Noodles & things. They loved the mac’ n cheese. Thank you!
My son would eat there every day if we let him. You’re very welcome! 🙂
He sons like am amazing boy, love that he can make people laugh at such a young age. Good Luck finding the perfect middle school next year.
I’m in awe at how he can make people laugh at his age. Thanks, I need it! Middle school is like this big, dark cloud hanging over us…. ugh.
I love his freckles – adorable.
I know! Thanks! 🙂
That’s so awesome that he got to play Huck Finn. i bet you were one proud mama!
Tiff, I’m so proud I could burst! 🙂
I love the character your son shows in his photos, plus, those little freckles are too much.
Marcie, I sometimes feel like what it must have been like to be the parents of Jim Carey… my son goes around making faces and doing silly things all. the. time. 🙂
He totally has star power and 5th grade is a big step – congrats!
I bet he was amazing! I totally get it about the middle school thing- we have a long time before my son’s in middle school but we already know that he’s not going to the public one he’s zoned for!
Aww! This is such a sweet post.
Beautiful letter – sounds like he’s a joy to be around and he keeps you laughing constantly.
He seems like such a character that will definitely keep you laughing.
As a mom with 3 sons, I loved this post! Thanks for sharing! Your boy is adorable.
I hope Cody has a wonderful year in 5th grade. And he looks dashing as Huck Finn. I loooove his freckles!
I love reading these letters everyone’s posting about their kids. I am considering home school for middle school also. Your sin looks like he may be famous for his career I hope my boys will be brave enough to be in plays when they are older I had horrible stage freight and I want them to be extremely confident.
Alyshia, My son was very shy and introverted through Kindergarten and the reason we put in in drama/acting classes and taking him to auditions were to help him overcome his shyness. You would never know it today. So it worked. 🙂
He’s adorable! Good luck school hunting next year!
He’s such the perfect Huck Finn!!
So sweet!
What a cutie pie. 🙂 Great post Donna.
Such an accomplished young man.
Thus letter is really sweet and brought tears to my eyes!
He’s such a cutie and I love that Huck Finn costume.
He is SO sweet! Curious why you aren’t doing public middle school? I love learning from other mom’s experiences on that stuff! He is a very handsome Huck Finn!
Emily, Thanks! Honestly, I’ve just heard (and read) too many bad things about middle school (especially public middle schools) and we don’t feel comfortable sending our son to a public school. It’s partly that age group, hormones, etc., but from everything I’ve heard and researched over the last 3 years is that middle school is the worst. I’ve had other parents tell me that the things they’re 6th graders heard/learned/saw in middle school that would just shock you. I feel like 6th graders are still kids and for us personally, we just don’t want our son in that environment… yet. I know some people would say we are babying him or trying to shelter him too much, and they could be right, but it’s what is best for our family. 🙂 Every child is different, every family dynamic is different, so what’s right for us may not be for you, kwim? I’ve prayed about this for sometime now, and know it’s the best decision for our son.
He rocked Huck!
I loved reading your letter to your son Cody. How sweet
What a great idea to write letters and have them to look back on! That is going to be something very special and sentimental to them later in life. He was a great Huck Finn!
This is a really cute idea – writing letters to your son. He could look at these in the future – a great way to chronicle his life.
This is a great idea and will be fun later in life to go back and read these. He will treasure them always im sure. He looks like a wonderful young man full of rascally spirit!
I write letters to my grandson every birthday and put them in a safe place to give them to him on graduation.
How sweet, Shirley! They are going to love reading them… I know they’ll be important to them. 🙂
So amazing to see Cody growing up. I can’t believe the changes over the past few years!
Your letter reminds me of why I really love that our school district eliminated middle schools. We have preK-8th and then the 9th graders in one building and 10-12 in the main high school building. And that’s in a huge school district, too. It would be even easier to implement in a smaller district. I honestly think it’s one of the best things about our district.
I know it, Amy. Sometimes I look at him and see him as a toddler. It just doesn’t seem possible he is almost eleven. Sigh.
I love that! I don’t know why our schools have middle schools have 6-8th together, but that is so great for you guys to have grades separated that way. I would be overjoyed if his elementary school would go through the 8th grade. When I went to school it was preK-8th, and worked wonderfully.
This looks like so much fun. Glad he was able to enjoy being in the show.