Thinning hair does not have to be synonymous with aging. The solution to getting thicker hair doesn’t have to be expensive either.
Home Remedies to Get Thicker Hair
Home remedies for thicker hair are plentiful, as well as are herbal remedies for thicker hair. Folklore abounds with herbal recommendations for hair strengtheners and enhancers.
There is a multitude of recipes that use different herbs to suit varying hair types and conditions.
Even though natural herbs cannot magically regrow hair instantaneously after it has fallen out, there are some organic herbs that show signs of slowing hair loss. Some of these are rosemary, nettle, and aloe vera.
For hundreds of years, women have taken olive oil and rubbed it on their scalps so that their hair would be more lush and healthy. It is recommended to massage olive oil onto the scalp and hair and leave on for 30 minutes, two times a week.
Thicker Hair Home Remedies
Essential Oils
Many now recognize ylang ylang as a critical essential oil to stimulate hair growth. Other herbal essential oils that commonly show up in hair treatment oil blends are lavender, thyme and cedarwood.
A popular way to use essential oils is to apply 1-2 drops of oil to hands, and massage into hair and scalp before bath or shower; then shampoo and rinse hair as normal.
These oils can also be added to unscented shampoo in the proportion of 1-2 drops of oil to 2 Tablespoons of shampoo or shower gel.
Scalp Treatments
Another way to apply a scalp oil treatment is to wrap the head with a hot towel after massaging the oil into the scalp. Leave the oil on all night in order to push the oils deeper into the skin.
Remember when using hair growth treatments that you need to pay extra attention to your scalp because it is living and hair is in fact dead. Because of this your scalp will respond to herb treatments. It has been proven that massage stimulates the circulation of the scalp and stimulates the roots of the hair to grow.
Also in modern times, the french sometimes will apply old remedies created from apple cider vinegar and nettles to their scalps.
This confirms another little-known habit from the “old school” of applying herbal vinegar to the hair as a rinse.
Another of the herbal remedies for thicker hair is to create a tea from Southernwood leaves or onionskins to use as a rinse. This has been believed to decrease hair loss and encourage new growth.
Aloe vera gel is also a great herbal remedy for thicker hair. It is not only great for the hair and the scalp, but it will also protect the hair and scalp from the sun and the wind. Often, because a scalp gets more exposure to the elements when hair thins, it can further inhibit new hair growth.
Kitchen Recipes
Any list of home remedies for thicker hair would be incomplete without some kitchen concoctions. This first kitchen recipe is an ideal home remedy for thicker hair.
- 1 egg yolk
- 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
Mix the two ingredients together in a small bowl. Add the contents all over the scalp and keep on your hair for 40 mins if possible. Rinse out and shampoo. Hair will have more volume and shine!
The second home remedy for thicker hair is called:
Mayo-Avocado Hair Dip
- ¾ C mayonnaise
- ½ avocado
Cut open the avocado and put half in a blender without pit and skin. Add the mayo and blend for 1 minute or until creamy. From the root down, begin massaging the mixture through the hair Leave the conditioner in for 20 minutes and shampoo.
You can’t imagine the number of vitamins and minerals your hair and scalp will soak up with these two key ingredients.
If all else fails, you can use hair extensions to help your hair look thicker.