This post is brought to you by the Fred Rogers Company and The Motherhood. I will only endorse companies, products and services that I believe, based on my own experiences, are worthy of endorsement.
We’ve lived in our home for over 16 years now and still as happy as we were the first day we moved in. Even though there are things I’d like to change about our home, the biggest reason we are still satisfied is because of the neighborhood our home is located in.
We live in an older subdivision so the houses aren’t really close to each other, but I can see our five neighbor’s home most of the year.
Having such few neighbors makes it easier to know them. Although we don’t talk or even see each other for weeks at a time, I know that any of them would be there if we needed them, and hope they know we would be there for them, too.
The neighbors that live behind us don’t have any children living at home anymore and go out of town a few times a year.
When they do, they worry about their dog (he’s an outside dog but they have a doggy door so the dog can get into a safe portion of their garage).

My son volunteered to feed and water him when they’re gone. This gives my neighbors some peace of mind and makes my son feel good to do something neighborly.
Something I’m sure Mister Rogers would have appreciated. I loved how Mister Rogers opened his show with the question, “Won’t you be my neighbor?”
Do you have neighbors that are there when you need them? Or maybe you help a neighbor(s) out? I hope you will join me in sharing your neighborly love by joining in the #BeMyNeighbor movement!
And…. come be neighborly with me for a fun Twitter Party!
What: We are so excited to join the Fred Rogers Company for a #BeMyNeighbor Twitter party as they launch the new Won’t You Be My Neighbor website! is an amazing destination that celebrates good neighbors! You can share a special story about being a good neighbor or you can recognize someone else you’ve seen demonstrate neighborliness.
Your stories will be shared on the site and inspire others to do neighborly acts of their own! Join us for the #BeMyNeighbor Twitter party to learn more ways you can do good in your neighborhood and share your own ideas with others!
When: Wednesday, November 19 at 2 p.m. ET
Where: We’ll be on Twitter – follow the #BeMyNeighbor hashtag to track the conversation. You can see the details and RSVP via this Vite:
Hashtag: #BeMyNeighbor
Prizes: We will be giving away five prizes throughout the party for correct answers to trivia questions. Each prize pack includes a Mister Rogers quote book & t-shirt and a Daniel Tiger mini plush, book & DVD. Prizes are limited to U.S. participants only.
Hosts: @TheMotherhood, @TheMotherhood25, @CooperMunroe, @EmilyMcKhann
Co-hosts: @MoreThanMommies, @DancingHotdogs, @DonnaChaffins, @EmilyARoach, @gogrowgo, @AsCuteAsBugsEar, @EatSleepBe, @JessicaMcFadd, @JustJillyBlog, @CoconutRobot, @2kidsandacoupon, @MyBaybah, @ohMariana, @PittMommyBlog, @Tiffanyblogs
Can’t wait to chat with you!