From Pregnancy Signs and Beyond

Pregnant belly
Pregnant Belly

I have a friend who has been trying to get pregnant for awhile now. She is older and is afraid she has waited too long.  She is full of pregnancy questions, all the what, when, where, and hows to getting pregnant. She wants to give it a little more time to try naturally, and then she’s going to take the infertility drug route.

I recommended that she check out where she can find everything from pregnancy signs to feeding picky toddlers, and everything in between. There’s a wealth of advice and tips from experts, but also so much information and help from other parents. Moms and dads that have lived it… experienced it — and can give you the support you’re looking for.

Women like my friend, can find it comforting to know they’re not alone. She can read about other women who have been where she is and receive and give support.

I love that it is truly “family” oriented and they make you feel like you’re a part of their family, too.

So now if she can’t get in touch with me (she has these thoughts in the middle of the night, by the way), she can go check out her early pregnancy signs and symptoms to see for herself. She is definitely educating herself.

I think it’s just a matter of time and I’ll get a call from her telling me she’s pregnant. I’m sure of it.

1 Comment

  1. I think it is wonderful that you are so supportive of your friend. Easing those worries and having those answers a click away is wonderful!

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