I don’t know about you, but I seem to find myself getting in a rut, well not sure if rut is the correct word, but during the winter, I get lazy as far as exercising is concerned. I talk myself out of getting up early to exercise, telling myself that it’s too cold and still dark outside, just stay in bed. Well now, here I am trying to get back into an exercise routine and count calories. At one time, I would be doing this to get ready for bikini season. Now I do it to be able to wear shorts and a sleeveless top. Actually, I don’t really care so much about losing weight as I do just been healthy. I think what we put into our bodies is very important to a long life, along with exercise. I think 30 minutes a day 5 days a week is sufficient and at least 2 days a week of weight bearing/strength training exercises are vital. I think this is especially true for us women forty and older. Keeping our muscles and bones healthy and strong to help in the prevention of osteoporosis.
So I am into my third week now of my exercise program and I am a bit sore but am seeing the results of my blood, sweat and tears. Seeing a payoff for my hard work helps to keep me motivated. That is the key to making a lifestyle change is motivation. If I know I’m going to get a payoff, reward, etc. for working out and counting calories, I am more apt to do it. On a large scale, my reward is being healthy and living a long life so I can be here for my son and my grandchildren one day. On a much smaller scale, it is little rewards here and there that keep me motivated. For example, I found this dress a month ago, and I loved everything about it. I wanted it but they didn’t have my size. I tried it on anyways and figured that if I lost 10 pounds, I would be able to wear it. The other reason I wanted the dress was that it was originally $39.99 and it was marked down to $4.00. I just could not pass it up. A dress that was my style and at a steal and all I had to do was lose 10 lbs. So being able to wear a dress by May 12th, that is the date I set to reach my first goal of losing 10 lbs., is one of my motivators. Now writing it down for the whole world to see is also a big motivator. Now I have to get into that dress! Sheesh, talk bout pressure!
I work better under pressure. So if I have a motivator and apply a little pressure I know I can attain my goals. I also make sure that I set small goals that are attainable so I don’t set myself of for failure. Now, this doesn’t mean that I never fail, quite the contrary, but if you set unrealistic goals and are always failing, you will feel like a failure and give up. Like I said, I occasionally fail but I learn from it. My failures make me stronger; make me better!
I will share with you some of my diet/exercise tips and my trials and tribulations as time goes on. I would love to hear some of your tips/secrets to weight loss and a healthy lifestyle! Hope to hear from you! Enjoy life!!!