I want to tell you about this great web site – RetailMeNot. Did you know when buying items and services online there are often great discounts readily available? This is where retailmenot.com comes into play.
This is a great way to save money while your doing your shopping this Christmas or anytime. With the economy the way it is, coupons are a big plus and this is a great source for online coupons. Also it is less of a hassle to shop online; not to mention the money you’ll save on gas.
More and more people are doing their shopping online and you may not even know that many times there are coupon codes readily available where you can get discounts for what you order.
For example, if you’re shopping at amazon.com; go to RetailMeNot and type in the address – amazon.com and press the "Get Coupons" button. You should be presented with coupons, if any, are available at this time for this store.
They claim to have over 100,000 coupon codes, so there is a good chance you’ll find one you can use.
Another great thing is the FireFox Extension. If you use Firefox as your web browser – you can grab the new RetailMeNot.com Firefox extension and never miss coupon savings again. It tells you when a site you’re on has coupons! You can’t beat that.
You can also find a tutorial and a RetailMeNot online community. It’s free! So what are you waiting for? Go get your coupons and start saving today!