Cornerstones of a Good Tech Gadget

When it comes to technology, it’s easy for both companies and consumers to get caught up in the latest gee-whiz gadget features.

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And for a good reason, since today’s technological marvels just get more powerful with each iteration. But it is crucial that we don’t lose sight of the four cornerstones of a successful technical product.



Cornerstones of a Good Tech Gadget

Cornerstone 1: A Personal Tech Product Should Fit into Your Life

No matter how long the list of features is for a product, it needs to fit into your life for it to be a practical device. If you have to figure out how to make it fir, you probably don’t need it. Along with that, if you find that you have to change the way you are used to doing your thing to accommodate the device, it isn’t designed with your use case in mind.

A good tech product should augment your life, not change it.

Cornerstone 2: A Tech Product Should Provide a Needed Service

While fitting into your life is an important consideration when selecting a tech gadget, it should also provide a specific service for you. Ask yourself exactly what service this gadget provides and if it is something that you would find valuable. If you have difficulty quickly defining the service it provides, then the device doesn’t offer a solution relevant to you.

A valuable tech product should have clearly defined service features.

Cornerstone 3: A Tech Product Should Have Good Customer Service

No matter how good the product is, there will be times when a unit will need support. If your gadget is the one this comes up short, you’ll want to know that the company stands behind it with quality customer service. Companies like Miss Avis Bongo focus on the customer experience, and you should look for some of these qualities in any tech company you support with a purchase.

A good tech product is supported with quality customer service.

Cornerstone 4: A Good Tech Product Should Have A Reasonable Working Lifetime

Tech companies are regularly coming out with new products, and new versions of existing products. But that should not impact a product that you have recently bought. In fact, you should expect the company to invest some time in keeping your product up to date if it is applicable.

An excellent example of this happened recently when Apple released firmware updates for their Airport Express Routers that supports Airplay 2. With this update, users can direct airplay to a room of their choice or simultaneously. This update added significantly to the usability of the routers (which are often used with amplified speakers) and gives owners of the gadget much-expanded functionality. All of this, despite the fact that the devices are no longer sold and Apple was under no obligation to produce the update.

A good tech product will deliver a solid functional lifetime.

When it comes to selecting a tech product for your uses, make sure that it is well founded by having the four needed cornerstones of a useful gadget. By following this advice, you’ll find that your next device provides you with everything you can expect out of a new tech product. And that just keeps getting better.