Clean Drinking Water with UV Disinfection

Do you ever think about the water you drink? As a mom, I think about it a lot more than I ever did before. I know that our water treatment plants have quality standards they must meet, but I fear that many harmful bacteria can slip through and contaminate our water.

I recently read about UV disinfection systems that can be installed in your home to ensure clean water. UV light is a natural occurring form of light from the sun. I love the idea of obtaining clean drinking water from a natural source like the sun because it is chemical-free and safe since it is all-natural.

Check out this infographic that explains what and how UV disinfection works to give you clean drinking water:

UV Light Systems

Presented by Pelican Water



  1. Very interesting. Thank you for sharing all this information.

  2. That’s really interesting, I’d like to have that set up in my house someday. I didn’t think about the possible chemicals in the water.

  3. Very intersting! THis would be a great product for countries without clean drinking water!

  4. I never knew that UV light could kill bacteria, and organisms in our water; I use a filter but this seems much more effective.

  5. This is new to me. I’d need to consider this now. Thanks!

  6. This is new to me too. I love the idea of obtaining clean drinking water from a natural source especially when I live in a tropical country where it’s sunny all year round.

  7. wow! Very informational. I learned some stuff! Thats for bringing this to attention(:

  8. I haven’t invested in getting another water filter for my home yet. Even if I did, I’d still be leery since my city is known for having bad water. In the meantime, I drink bottled water.

  9. we are so lucky to have clean water

  10. I used to have a filter that worked this way, I thought it was awesome! It made the water taste cleaner.

  11. Having water that tastes good, but that also doesn’t have all the icky bacteria in it is so important.

  12. What an very informative infographic! Thanks for sharing this great information!

  13. Wow, this is the first time I head about this disinfection system. I really need to check it out. I’m tired of paying for water.

  14. Nature has everything for human (:

  15. Most don’t give their water a second thought. Lots of good info. here on how to keep water safe

  16. I have a brother recovering from a bone marrow transplant. I worry about the rural water they have, and equally as so for our city water. I have heard of these before but wondered how you can test the before and after maybe. Pretty ingenius!

  17. As a Floridian that doesn’t drink out of the tap water it would be great to use a system so I could.

  18. I drink a lot of water, so I know I would appreciate the filtered water. This is really neat.

  19. Wow I have never heard of this! Thanks for the information, I shall look into it for our home!

  20. This is enteresting! The uv lights can kill germs.

  21. I always filter our drinking water but never knew that UV light could disinfect the water as well. Everyday we learn something new.

  22. I need to up my water intake in 2015, this would be very helpful.

  23. I guess it makes sense – we use a UV light gadget to clean our toothbrush heads, but I haven’t heard of using it as a water sanitizer before now.

  24. I definitely love this idea! I consider myself a water snob and do not like the taste of our city’s tap water, so as much disinfection as possible is always welcome!

  25. I have an osmosis filtration system, and it is amazing! It makes so much difference. I have become a total water snob and bring my water wherever I go.

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