Apps to Help Children Deal with Social Issues

Guest Post

child and phone 1330009422EAw apps to help children deal with social issuesBeing a child isn’t always easy, and being a parent can take its toll. Children and parents have so much to deal with every day, and the pressure can be overwhelming. Social issues in particular can be harrowing. Many children have to learn to deal with the issue of divorce or separation. Children are subject to all kinds of pressure at school, which can sometimes lead to bullying and other behavioural issues. Of course, there are also children and adolescents who have to face abuse whether it is emotional or physical, on a daily basis.

Can Technology Help

The internet itself can be a great resource for children and parents who are looking for additional support and help with a particular issue. There are a number of excellent sites that children and parents can visit to help them deal with the pressure, but technology has taken this one-step further with a range of apps for smartphones that offer great advice and some personal help for your little ones.

Dealing With Divorce

Divorce App is a superb app that you can use to help your children learn to deal with their emotions and for parents to understand what children are dealing with. It offer advice for caregivers and includes grandparents into the circle. It covers all stages of development from age 2 – 18.

School Stress

Learning how to help your children deal with stress at school needs to be more than asking them how their day was. If you suspect your child is struggling with social issues in school, you need to learn how to engage them in meaningful communication. Part of being a parent means having the strength to reach out for compassionate help when your kids need it most.

Bullying Buddies

Bullying is rampant in schools across the world and often your children need help with learning how to deal with bullying and how to ask for help. While parenting videos and websites will help an adult learn how to find out about bullying, it is often the children who need to learn about how to stop the abuse. The medium of the internet and video is a particularly potent one, especially if your children can feel safe in exploring their feelings.

Anti – Abuse

It can be especially hard for a small child to speak up about abuse and it is important to give children an outlet and a voice. There are a number of excellent websites that cater specifically to children who have suffered through abuse and learning how to come out on the other side as victors rather than victims.

Thanks to for this helpful guide. The vouchercloud app has been voted as the UK’s #1 money saving and consumer app, with over 3,000,000 downloads!


  1. It is amazing what you can find an app for these days, much like a “how too” on you tube. However with technology advances like this it is great to see it used in helpful ways.

  2. There is an app for everything these days… And it is awesome to have some that can help like in cases like these. Thanks so much for sharing with all of us.

    Visiting from, have a great day.

  3. It is good to know, help is out there. I especially like that there are resources for bulling. It is unbelievable, how much of it goes on these days. Great post.

  4. that is so cool, im going to use this app for my daughter, life is kind of rough as a kid. thank you so much

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