List your favorite bands from A to Z is a meme, but I'm not sure where it originated from, but thought it would be a good one for today. This will be difficult, and I know I'll think later of another band for a letter I wish I'd listed. I mean, I have a favorite band from the 70s, 80s, etc. But I'm not going to think about it… the first band that comes to mind is what I'm going to write down.
A. Aerosmith
B. Black Crowes
C. Coldplay
D. Doobie Brothers
E. Eagles, The
F. Foo Fighters
G. Guns 'n' Roses
H. Heart
J. Journey
K. Kansas
L. Led Zeppelin
M. Maroon 5
N. No Doubt
O. Offspring, The
P. Pink Floyd
Q. Queen
R. R.E.M.
S. Sublime
T. Third Eye Blind
U. U2
V. Van Halen
W. Who, The
Y. Yes
Z. ZZ Top
Which band is your favorite?