90 Day Weight Loss Challenge – I’m Ready #weightloss

Creative Bioscience 90 Day Weight loss challenge

I have mentioned my weight loss struggles here several times. And those of you that know me in the real world, are abundantly aware. Since the end of 2005, beginning of 2006 I’ve really struggled with weight gain… that started slowly creeping on, then just bombarded me.

It’s frustrating. I just can’t seem to get (or keep) the weight off. I came across Creative Bioscience 90-Day Challenge from one of my fellow blogger’s blog, April’s Cooking and Lifestyle Show, that I frequent, and it just struck a chord with me.

Maybe this is what I need. This could be the jump start my metabolism needs. I am willing to count calories and to incorporate an exercise routine. I will be honest with myself and realistic… so my goal is to exercise at least 3 days a week, portion control and taking the 30-Day diet supplements.

I’m excited to undertake this 90-day challenge. I’ll share with you my experiences with Creative Bioscience throughout the 90 days.

I’m also thrilled with how Creative Bioscience is working with bloggers! If you are a blogger and you have some weight to lose and would like to blog about your experience, Creative Bioscience is interested in working with YOU.

You can sign up for the 90-Day challenge just like I did and start your own weight loss journey. Let me know if you do, so I can be moral support as you go through your challenge, too.

Disclosure: I will receive a product to facilitate my 90 day weight loss challenge. All opinions are my own.


  1. I’m IN!! Or well, I want to be in! I’m applying today. I’ll let you know if I get picked. I saw this when I was sending out posts on Triberr.

    1. Author

      Yeah, @Connie! I’m sure you will! And it’s nice to have someone else doing the challenge along with me! šŸ™‚

  2. Congratulations on taking a step to be healthier! I am going back on slow carbs starting tomorrow! šŸ™‚

  3. congradulations on wanting to make a change in your life. wieght is hard to be open about thank you for sharing your struggles! I hope this makes a big difference in your life and keep the motivivation going knowing you are inspiring others

  4. You can do it! Congratulations on taking the steps to get healthy.

  5. I can’t wait to read about your weight loss journey and how these products work for you.

  6. Excited to read about your journey for some inspiration!

  7. I’ll be here rooting you on.

    Having recently lost twenty pounds, I understand the struggle.

    You can do this!

    1. Author

      Thank you, Cyndi, that info will definitely help! I’m psyched for this! šŸ™‚

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