4 Tips to be Prepared for Cold and Flu Season #ReliefIsHere

This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/P&G. All opinions are 100% my own.

Cody sick

Here in Tennessee we have been hit hard this winter with the flu, as well as bronchitis, stomach bugs, and colds. Every time I’m on Facebook I see something in my stream about someone’s child having the flu. On the local news we’ve had entire schools being closed due to sickness.

It’s bad. Bad I tell ya.

We have been lucky so far (except Valentine’s Day evening our son got a 24 hour stomach that he got over quickly), but we did/do take precautions. Here are 4 tips to be prepared for cold and flu season….

Flu Shot

My husband and I got the flu shot (my son got the flu mist). No, it may not keep you from getting the flu since there are so many strains of the flu and the shot can’t protect you from all of them, but it helps. And I believe that if you do get the flu after having a flu shot it isn’t as bad as it would have been if you had not received the flu vaccination.

Keep the Germs Away

We wash our hands often. I’m not a germ0phobe, but during cold and flu season, I am definitely overly cautious. I don’t want to take any chances. I also preach nag teach my son the importance of cover his nose and/or mouth with a tissue (or inside elbow of his arm) when he coughs or sneezes.

Crosses, Garlic, & Holy Water (just kidding…. maybe)

Okay, I’m not talking about vampires, but we do try to avoid people who we know are sick. I am truly sorry if you’re sick, but I will just have to give you my love from a distance, until you are well.

Vicks DayQuil and NyQuil Severe #ReliefIsHere

A Stocked Medicine Cabinet

And, we keep Vicks DayQuil and NyQuil Severe on hand. Just like this past Saturday night and Sunday when my son was sick, we had winter storm warnings out for Monday and I was worried we would be snowed in and him sick. Thankfully I had picked up Vicks DayQuil and NyQuil at Walmart last week, just in case… I’d rather be safe than sorry. I got both together as a value pack at a great price, too.

About Vicks NyQuil Severe Cold & Flu

  • Maximum symptom-fighting ingredients to relieve your worst cold and flu symptoms.
  • Maximum strength nighttime cold and flu relief, so you can take back your night.
  • The powerful NyQuil relief you trust now with a decongestant.
  • Available in caplets or liquid.

Temporarily relieves common cold/flu symptoms including:

  • Nasal congestion
  • Sinus congestion and pressure
  • Cough due to minor throat and bronchial irritation
  • Cough to help you sleep
  • Minor aches and pains
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose and sneezing
  • Reduces swelling of nasal passages
  • Temporarily restores freer breathing through the nose
  • Promotes nasal and/or sinus drainage

Vicks DayQuil Severe Cold & Flu

  • Maximum symptom-fighting ingredients to relieve your worst cold and flu symptoms.
  • Maximum strength nondrowsy cold and flu relief so you can tackle your to-do list.
  • Available in caplets or liquid.

Temporarily relieves common cold/flu symptoms:

  • Nasal congestion
  • Sinus congestion and pressure
  • Cough due to minor throat and bronchial irritation
  • Minor aches and pains
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Sore throat
  • Reduces swelling of nasal passages
  • Temporarily restores freer breathing through the nose
  • Promotes nasal and/or sinus drainage
  • Helps loosen phlegm (mucus) and thin bronchial secretions to rid the bronchial passageways of bothersome mucus and make coughs more productive

I like knowing that if I do have a cold or the flu I have something that will help with the symptoms. Especially something like NyQuil Severe to help me sleep (because when you’re sick it’s so hard to sleep) and DayQuil Severe that will keep the symptoms at bay and allow me to be alert and able to do the things I need to do during the day.

We have been snowed, well to be more correct, iced in, since yesterday afternoon, with the weather looking bitterly cold as the week goes on, we may be stuck in the house for the rest of the week. Even though I hope we won’t need Vicks DayQuil and NyQuil, I feel comforted knowing I have it.

What tip do you have to keep you and your family healthy during cold and flu season?


  1. I have DayQuil and NyQuil on hand too just in case, except I use the caplets. It’s fast relief and that’s what we need!

  2. I, too, am a fan but use the capsules.

  3. great post

    1. Same here. I’m a little bit obsessed with the hand washing!

  4. thanks for the list.

  5. I’m at a point where I want to reach for the garlic and Holy Water! My sons keep getting sick and are too young for Nyquil, which I LOVE for myself.

  6. All of these are great tips! I am a big believer in the flu shot also. I first started taking them about 10 years ago. I haven’t had the flu since and I believe (and it might be in my head) that it has helped with colds too.

  7. I always use Nyquil but I didn’t know they have a “Severe” line now too. This is awesome – good to know.

  8. DayQuil is always my go to when I’m sick! Unfortunately with two little ones I can’t do NyQuil,because I’m out for the count!

  9. I like that they have two formulas. It’s not fun being sick but there’s no way to function on Nyquil during the day and visa versa.

  10. So glad we are fully stocked up over here. We are prepared.

  11. Everyone in my family got the flu, except me. I guess God gave me a nurse roll in this one. I wish we acted on time and prevent this. Thanks for the tips tough, nex season we’ll be ready.

  12. Thanks for the Terrific information on 4 Tips to be Prepared for Cold and Flu Season #ReliefIsHere! Well, I generally get a flu shot, however, this year my doctor appointment at that time was cancelled and by the time I get back into see him, it’ll be too late! I should be, and generally do, get one every year because I’m a diabetic! My husband likes those tablets that you put into water for severe cold and flu symptoms! I make sure that we have Vicks in the house, Tylenol, and some cold and flu medications. We don’t use the Nyquil because it makes my heart race and my husband doesn’t like how he feels with it either! The kids have been pretty lucky so far this year and have only had head colds, which, of course, went through all 4 of us! I do have cough medication and we did have a bout with that with the head cold! It’s been so cold here, however, we really haven’t had the snow like we had last year. They are calling for bad weather here again tomorrow. I just wait and see what happens! I do appreciate your review on having Nyquil in your home to fight the cold and flu! I know that my oldest daughter uses it! Thanks for sharing all the information on what Nyquil covers and the 4 steps to help be prepared! I honestly do appreciate it! Thanks again, Michele 🙂

  13. We don’t take the flu shots and it’s rare for us to get sick but this year hubby got a small part of the flu (lasted 12 hours) and Nyquil helped him feel better.

  14. I literally went to Walmart a few weeks ago and stocked up on this stuff. My daughter was sick all last week and it was no fun. She’s feeling a lot better now thanks to NyQuil.

  15. Yes, it really does seem like everyday someone new is posting about having sick kids. I know we have already been sick a few times ourselves. Yuck! I used this when I got a sinus infection and it really helped to alleviate the pressure so I could function.

  16. Now is the time for colds and the flu make sure your kids wash their hands and dress warmly.

  17. Great tips! Thankfully we haven’t caught any flu bugs so far this winter. In past winters, Dayquil & Nyquil Severe were my sanity saver. I have them on hand just in case. I also up our intake of Vitamins D & C.

  18. It’s wonderful to be able to get relief when you feel crummy! Nyquil has gotten us through many a miserable night.

  19. I have had the flu shot and wash my hands often especially during flu season. I have not tried Vicks NyQuil products before and curious to try them when I’m sick.

  20. Great tips! Really can use them this time of year! Thanks!

  21. I have a love hate relationship with flu shots. I try not to get them but no matter what I always get the FLU! and always in march

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