Welcome to day 6 of my 30 Days About Me challenge. I've joined Toni's meme from A Daily Dose of Toni, where I'm sharing something about myself with you for 30 days. Today's topic is, my most treasured item.
For the first time in this challenge I have only one thing to share with you. Don't get me wrong, possessions come and go and no single posession is THAT treasured. I mean, I'd be heartbroken to lose all my pictures, but people are far more important.
I didn't have to think about it. I knew it wasn't my son or my husband, or another family member or friend. Because they aren't "items". Although my son is the greatest gift I've ever been blessed with and I cherish my hubby, family, and friends more than I can say… they are not possessions.
So that made it so easy for me. It's an item that has a lot of sentimental value. It's a stuffed animal.

It may seem like a silly thing to have as a most treasured item, but it was given to my by my mom on my first Mother's Day. It's a mama bear and her little baby bear. The baby bear tells the mama bear that this is her special day, and sings a Happy Mother's Day song to her. Then mama bears thanks him, and they say their I love yous.
It's super sweet and cute. But it holds a lot of special feelings, because it came from my mother. My first Mother's Day was very special anyway. Just the fact that I was a mother, was a miracle in and of itself. So it is my most treasured item.
So please share with me your most treasured item, and why.
It’s not silly at all. I have a teddy bear that I sleep with that I have had for 13 or so years now and I don’t go anywhere overnight without it!
Thank you ladies! You all rock!
@Toni – there is something special about a favorite stuffed animal. 🙂