Toni from A Daily Dose of Toni, is hosting this 30 Days About Me challenge and I cannot believe this is day 30. I feel incredibly sad about it. This has been so much fun! I've found some new blogs to follow. And I've so enjoyed learning about my fellow bloggers. And telling my fellow bloggers and my new and old readers more about myself.
For day 30, the topic is "A dream for the future beyond the next year… think long term."
I dream of world peace, no more famine, no more disease…. what? I really do! Okay, my dreams for my little speck in the world? I want above all else for my son's hopes and dreams to come true. My dream is that he grows up to be the man I know he has in him to be. I wish that he could keep that little boy imagination and excitement all the rest of his life. I hope that he ends up being/doing something that he is passionate about. I hope he is always true to himself.
I hope that my family and friends have long, healthy lives. That each of them obtain their dreams. I dream of growing old with my husband, being fit and strong, so we can continue to do the things we love.
I hope to be a better mother, a better wife, a better daughter, a better sister, a better friend. I hope to become a better writer. I dream of writing a children's book in the future (not so distant, I hope).
I want my future to be as bright, as challenging, as hopeful, as exciting, as memorable, as my past and present has been and is…
And yes, I also dream of being a billionaire and travelling the globe. I dream big. What is your dream for your future?
Aaawww, thank you Kerry! And I’ll be hopping over to yours, as well! 🙂