Toni from A Daily Dose of Toni, is hosting this 30 Days About Me meme and today's prompt is "Some of your favorite websites." I know this is Monday's post and it's Thursday… I so apologize. It's been one of those weeks.
I spend a lot of time at my computer. I love to read blogs and I'm always surfing the web. And, it's my job. 🙂
There are certain sites I go to most every single day. Here are some of my favorites I go to daily… – To be more precise this room in TT.FM. I spend a lot of time (with emphasis on LOT), on It is my absolute favorite website. I'm addicted. I've created my own room and you can find me DJing most week days between 8:00 am – 3:00 pm. As well as some nights and weekends. I will elaborate more on in days to come.
Facebook – I'm sure you've heard of Facebook. I mean everybody and their mother is on it. Even my mom has a Facebook account. I'm in a number of group on Facebook, so most of my time is spent in them, but I always check for who has a birthday and scan through my newsfeed at least once a day. Plus I have this blog's page.
Twitter – Where 140 characters say's it all. I probably spend about as much time on Twitter as I do Facebook. I use it a little differently than Facebook, as Facebook tends to be a bit more personal and Twitter is more work related.
StumbleUpon – I love StumbleUpon… not just for the traffic it can bring to a site, but I love stumbling upon great websites or discovering a great story or photo. I use SU every day, as well.
Youtube – I enjoy YouTube for a variety of reasons. Most are the funny/humorous videos of babies/kids/animals. I love watching music videos, too. I've been using it a lot lately to check on songs I'm adding to my queue on 🙂
Social Moms – A great site for engaging and supporting your fellow moms. They recently made some changes at Social Moms… now you can ear reward points that you can use for charity, gift cards, or moolah in your PayPal account.
Tumblr – I enjoy many Tumlbr blogs. But one I frequent quite often is my friend Amy's Tumblr. She has such a keen eye for the absurd, the hilarious, the literal lmao stuff on the internet.
Quote Garden – I love quotes. And on most any given day, I'm looking up a quote… depending on my mood or what's going on in my life. I hit up several quotation sites, but Quote Garden is one of my favorites.
Life… As I know it – One of my newest and most favorite blogs. Kerry, a mom who lives in England, originally from Cape Town, blogs about her life, her family, and being a mom in such a witty and charming way. I look forward to reading her posts every day. Check it out… I'm sure you will be hooked, too.
What are some of your favorite websites?