It's Monday again, and feels like a typical Monday. It was tough getting up. Cody didn't want to get up. It's chilly and we'd loved to been able to just stay in bed this morning. Thank goodness for coffee! And on that note, I've decided to start my Monday on a good note.
Let's see how easy or difficult will it be for me to think of 10 things that make me happy this morning? Here goes:
- My son telling me he loves me and will miss me so much this morning as I dropped him off at school
- Coffee
- Wearing my warm fuzzy slippers to take my son to school
- Being able to work from home
- My hubby downstairs working, because he can work from home
- Writing my daily note to put in my son's lunch box
- The sun shining through my kitchen window at this very moment
- Knowing there's just seven more school days before Fall break
- That I will talk to my mom on the phone later today
- My blog
It took me about three minutes to write ten things that make me happy this morning. What things are you happy about this morning?