It’s that time of year again (May and June), when our students are wrapping up an educational milestone.  Yes, it is graduation time.  Be Shirt Happy’s graduation section is open for business.  If you have a 2008 graduate in your life that is graduating from preschool, kindergarten, high school orRead More →

Facebook is the second largest social networking website and a great way for businesses, especially small business and wah businesses to network.  I am pleased to hear that they are taking steps to make Facebook safer for their younger users.  Among other changes, Facebook has agreed to: Ensure companies offeringRead More →

Every Monday morning (or Sunday night), I write down my goals for the week.  This gives me a guide to keep me on track for the week.  So I thought since I write them down every week anyways, why not share them here so other wahms and sahms can seeRead More →

I feel so helpless as I watch the images, read, and hear the news of the devastation left behind by the cyclone that hit Myanmar a week ago.  However, I am not the only one feeling helpless along with frustration at a government that refuses aid for its country. Myanmar,Read More →

This is Friday; I was pondering about what I could bring to you on Fridays, and I thought…who doesn't love free things.  So I hope to bring you Freebie Fridays, every Friday.  I will share with you my freebie finds, in hope that we can all benefit from them. Teacherfreebies.comRead More →

I don’t know if anyone else has this problem, but during my pregnancy, my skin got so dry.  Especially my feet.  It got to the point where I was embarrassed to wear sandals.  I would moisturize them but they just stayed so dry and cracked.  Then my mother told meRead More →

I love writing!  In addition, I equally love reading!  I read things that interest me, I read for research, I read for entertainment and I read to learn.  I read novels, fiction, non-fiction, self-help books and more, but have recently found a new way or type of reading, and thatRead More →