#spon: I’m required to disclose a relationship between our site and Fellowes. This could include the Fellowes providing us w/content, product, access or other forms of payment. I often say that I am the most disorganized, organized person I know. It’s true. There is a method to my madness, though.Read More →

Guest Post Classic is Timeless When we speak of “classic beauty,” classic little black dress,” classic Greek architecture” or anything as “classic,” we are passing along an implicit meaning that each has its own distinct characteristics and is timeless in its style and appeal. People love classic characteristics and items.Read More →

Taking the time to choose a gift is important, but sometimes the best gift is the one that has been personalized for the recipient. Children in particular love receiving personalized gifts, because it’s always a novelty and a delight to receive a book or even a coloring book that isRead More →