This post is sponsored by All opinions about the ValPak sales positions and career opportunities available at Valpak are 100% my own. If you’re looking for a career in sales, Valpak is looking to fill several sales positions all across the country. You know the blue envelopes of savingsRead More →

There are all kinds of roles within healthcare – becoming a doctor is just one option. If you want to help people and work in a medical environment, but thinking about alternative medical jobs, here are five unique routes that could be worth considering. Alternative Medical Jobs: Unique Routes IntoRead More →

When looking for the perfect job, and particularly when attending a job interview, there’s a lot of pressure to perform, and this stress can often inhibit your performance.  This article touches on some of the ways you can make an excellent first impression and dazzle your prospective employer at aRead More →

A career in healthcare is an excellent opportunity to earn a lot of money while genuinely helping people. If your current job has you feeling unfulfilled, switching to a job where you’re making people better will give you the job satisfaction you crave. Careers in the health industry can rangeRead More →