This was originally an old post from 2012 that I thought about deleting, but I really like the idea of it… of letting you know a little about me. The questions were originally asked on a website that no longer exists and my answers have changed just a bit.
Anyway, here are the…
ABC’s of Me
Age: Great, let’s start with that one. I’m 55. The oldest of 3.
Bedsize: King. I like a lot of room. Cuddling is fine until time to sleep then I don’t want to be touched.
Chores that you hate: Cleaning toilets and going to the grocery store.
Dogs: We’ve had several dogs over the years, but presently we are owned by a Shih Tzu named Baxter.
Essential start to your day: Coffee. Coffee. And, more coffee.
Favorite color: Tough. I love so many colors. But for today, orange.
Gold or Silver: Both. It depends on my mood and what I’m wearing. Generally, though, I’d say gold.
Height: Average 5’5″. (Okay, I’m 5’4 1/2″, but you’re supposed to round up, right?)
Instruments you play: None. I have no musical abilities. I can peck out Mary Had a Little Lamb on the piano, though.
Job title: Mom, wife, daughter, friend, content creator, and marketer.
Kids: One remarkable son, who teaches me more each day than I could ever teach him.
Live: “Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed.” ~Storm Jameson
Mother’s Name: Rosa Lee. Most everyone calls her Rose, though.
Nicknames: I really don’t have any. My stepdad used to call me DJ, and so does my hubby from time to time.
Overnight hospital stays: Two nights when I had my son.
Pet peeves: Poor customer service.
Quote from a movie or tv show: “Nobody puts Baby in a corner.” ~Johnny (Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing)
Right or Lefty: Right-handed.
Siblings: 2 – A sister Dreama, and a brother, Buddy (his name is Keith, but in all my years, I only refer to him as Buddy). He passed away on October 30, 2015, from cancer.
Time you wake up: During the week between 6:30am – 7:00am. Weekends vary, but not before 7am.
Underwear: Most of the time. 🙂
Vegetable you hate: Veggie lover hear! I’m not super crazy about green peppers unless they’re cooked, but will eat them raw.
What makes you run late: Ummmm… everything.
X-Rays You’ve Had: Chest x-rays for physicals. Mammograms.
Yummy food you make: Pasta dishes.
Zoo Animal: Red Pandas!
Okay, the above gives you some random insights into my life.